"Whatever Andrew!" I say, slightly louder, then quiet down. "Seriously, I gotta go. The teacher is sending death glares at me. I'll talk to you later. And I mean later later. Stop calling me every few hours, it's tedious." I say. He laughs this time.

"Alright Princess. Bye." He replies and hangs up. I stick the phone back in my pocket, and look up to see Ryder staring down at me.

"Sleeping with every guy at the club? You're bi?" He asks, shocked by this revelation
. I sigh. I look him in the eye.

"I just needed a distraction. And yes. I'm bi." I tell him honestly, then look at the floor. "It was that and drinking. Just.. Don't worry about me, okay?" I say. I feel the holes burning into my head.

"Kitten, I'll forever worry about you; care about you. Know that."

I check the time- 1 AM.

Now is the time.

I get up from the bed, it slightly creaking. I tip toe to my closet, and open it, it making a squeak. Dammit. I get out leather skirt that's pretty tight, a red crop top, and black leather jacket, along with Andrew's favored shoes.

Since he said I'm only allowed to distract myself with him, I guess I'll have to do just that.

I change quickly, and when stepping into the shoes, letting out a huge sigh. I love these shoes too. I walk to the bathroom quickly, trying not to be too loud. I brush my hair and leave it in a sexy but messy way around my shoulders. I do my makeup quickly. When done, I sneak out of the room.

I walk through the house, attempting to be as quiet as possible. I check my phone to see a text from Andrew. He's waiting at the block. I smile. I unlock the door, and walk out, shutting it behind me. I grab the bag I left under the porch and open it eagerly.

I take out the bottle of Vodka and start drinking straight from.

One thing to know about me: I am one HELL of a lightweight. Like, I get drunk in about a few minutes.

I walk down the driveway, throwing the now empty bag behind my shoulder. I giggle happily.

I never got what I wanted at the club- and I was still holding off. I glance behind me to see a rooms light flicker on, so I rush quickly, almost tripping and giggling at the same time. I finish off the bottle and throw it to the side, laughing loudly when I hear it smash. I cover my mouth after a few seconds, and start rushing down the road when I hear the front door open.

I'm already ten steps from Andrew's car, where he waits in the backseat; the door open waiting for me, his arms already reaching out, when I hear the first call of my name.

(What a fun midnight adventure.)

"I don't think I need mental help.. are you calling me insane?" I ask my dad, who just suggested I get a therapist. He shakes his head all too quickly.

"Baby, I don't want you running out in the night, getting drunk and having... You know.."


"For a distraction from your problems! What even are these problems?" He asks me. I tilt my head on my shoulder as I look at him. He stares me in the eye, determination set.

"You... Really don't want to know." I say, my voice sounding quite defeated. I mean, sure I get it. His daughter was basically missing last night, off with a guy who's a year and a half older than her- he's 19- getting drunk and fúcking him just to distract herself- which he knows nothing of why- and not being able to find her. But dear God, let me live a little!

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