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Charles dreaded this meeting with William Stryker and Mary Stryker. He didn't know what the worse-case scenario would be. That Jason would stay? That he would leave with his mother and grandfather and be sent back to Forest Haven or worse? Should he think for the best of the school or this boy? There was no balancing the two any longer. Jane was seated next to Charles' wheelchair. The Strykers sat on the couch with Jason between them. Jason looked angry. Mary's brow was furrowed with anxiety and dread. William Stryker looked as if he would be on the warpath any second. Charles was unsure who the man was angry at: Him or Jason? Both? He found himself probing the man's mind a little. He found impotent fury being directed at Charles. The words "failure" echoed in the man's brain at Charles and Jane.

This would not be an easy meeting.

"Thank you for meeting with me," Charles greeted them. "Jason and another student had some serious problems yesterday that resulted in Jason almost getting killed. As I explained on the phone, Jason has been extremely disruptive to my school and has placed himself in danger with the other children by taunting them. He has also tried to plant illusions in the minds of my teachers and trainees as well."

Jane nodded, "We want to help Jason, but he has shown himself unwilling to be helped."

Mary's brow creased like an accordion. "But you said yesterday there was a way?"

"Yes, there is," Charles replied. "It is an extreme last resort and Jason has refused it. That was why I wanted to meet with you. We may need to do this without Jason's consent."

William's face grew red. "And what is the point of doing something a kid doesn't want to have done?"

"It keeps him safe. It keeps everyone safe," Charles replied.

"Will it fix him? Cure him?"

"I believe Dr. McCoy has already explained that we cannot fix or cure a mutation. That is simply how he was born. The problem isn't his mutation, it is how he uses it. He has absolutely no control over his anger, fear, and distrust of others."

Jason glared and William clutched his forehead. "No, Bill! Bill!" William cried out.

Charles rounded on Jason. "Jason! Stop that at once!"

Jason narrowed his gaze at Charles who returned the hostile gaze with a sharp look. Jason's eyes grew large and he scowled. Charles shook his head.

Charles' gaze softened as he looked at William. "Mr. Stryker, are you all right?"

"Yes, sorry Professor," he replied, his voice still full of pain. "The image I was given was of my son, Bill, in Vietnam. He's a scientist but also pilots Blackhawks over there. I'm sure you understand what I saw."

"I do, Mr. Stryker. Jason has often planted images that would hurt everyone here the most and even induce panic. Jason, we are here to help you. I had hoped once you were here longer that you would not feel the need to do this to people."

"Is there a way you can make this stop?" Mary pressed.

"Yes, but it involves placing a series of psychic barriers in his mind," Charles informed her. "I would have to use my telepathy to enter his mind, block off the anger and hate. I could also curtail his powers."

"Mess with my grandson's mind? What is wrong with you, man?"

"I don't like that idea!" Mary concurred.

"It would only be until we can get Jason to use his powers appropriately," Jane reassured her. "Give him time to learn to control them. Then we work on helping him with his anger issues."

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