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Charles and Jane had work to do. They had a school to open. Charles questioned his sanity as he looked around the office at the papers strewn everywhere on the desks and chairs. Photographs were tacked up to a bulletin board and scraps from cutting the pictures littered the floor. His desk was an absolute mess, there was hardly a visible bit of flat surface to be seen.

He wondered how on earth they would ever clean up the office.

Still, in the middle of his desk was an open booklet. The culmination of weeks of hard work. Charles pulled a page out of the typewriter and added it to the booklet. He touched the page with a smile as he closed the cover and leaned back.

"Done!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with relief.

Jane walked over to the desk and picked up the book they had spent so many hours toiling over. She could hardly believe it was finished. They had done it! This was the easy part, she knew. She looked through the book and smiled. The words Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters was on the front cover with a photograph of the mansion. "Oh, Charles," she sighed. "It's beautiful! I'll take it to the printers first thing in the morning!"

He took a deep breath. "I certainly hope that it helps convince parents to send their children here. I can't really use my telepathy to do that! After all I can't convince them that I can teach their children if I abuse my own powers."

"You certainly don't need to use them to convince anyone this is a great thing for their children. I mean after all, 'Your children will receive a competitive private education delivered by graduates of Oxford and Harvard Universities.' How can any parent argue with that?"

"I figured the Oxford thing would have its advantages one day," he grinned. "Well, my love, why don't we call it a night? Tomorrow you can go to the printers, and I will look for some children to fill this home up to the rafters. But tonight, I want you." He reached over and pulled Jane onto his lap playfully.

She laughed as she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. "Only tonight?" she teased.

"Every night," he whispered into her ear. "For the rest of my life."


X-Men: The Gifted OnesWhere stories live. Discover now