It wasn't too long before she fell asleep and then I did.

We woke up to the plane landing, and Sarah quickly got out her phone to text her mom.

"I'm so excited to see her, I'm literally going to cry." Sarah said to me, dragging her suitcase behind her. I had my suitcase plus a duffle bag of hers. I insisted.

"I can imagine. I'm actually really excited to see Momma Mary." Mary was always so nice to me, it's probably only because of my mom.

"She's going to shit her pants once we walk in together." I chuckled at Sarah's comment as we reached the rental cars. Two guys began to take our luggage and pile it into the trunks.

I noticed Sarah heading off towards Aspen, so I decided to head towards Liam and Louis who were talking. Harry already knew what was happening, I mean he was there when Sarah confessed her feelings to me. Liam and Louis honestly must be lost.

"You have explaining to do Horan." Louis said, crossing his arms. I smiled at him then looked at Liam who was giving me the eye. My heart fluttered, just thinking about the past 24 hours.

Licking my lips, I stuck my hands in my pocket and smiled even harder.

"She came into my room last night and told me she loved me." Hearing myself say this I wanted to jump up in the air and scream of joy.

Both of their eyes widened, most likely shocked .

Louis leaned in, shoving his hands in his pockets as well.

"Laying it straight out there, I like it." He took a hand out and patted my back approvingly. "But I'm so happy for you mate. You deserve this."

Liam leaned in also and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Yes you do Niall. You two were made for each other."

Yeah, I guess we were.

Smiling even harder, I wrapped my arms around them.

"I love you guys. Thanks for always believing in me."


|Sarah's P.O.V|

There's a time where you have to let go. The feelings that have been building up for weeks, months, or in my case- years. If I didn't believe in myself and believe in the guy I have been falling for, I wouldn't be happy. Happiness is supposed to be felt by everyone. It's my turn again to be happy.

Niall out of all people... how was it Niall?

Smiling down at my hands, something I've been doing a lot lately, I leaned my head onto Niall's shoulder. We sat in the car on the way to the hotel. Our plan was to arrive there, then head over to my moms place. Surprisingly everyone wanted to go so my mother would be in for a huge surprise.

Niall wrapped an arm around me and instantly began to play with my hair. I now understand why girls love when guys play with their hair.

"Ireland is so beautiful." I whispered. The only people in the car were Niall and I with all of the luggage. Everyone volunteered us to ride together. I didn't complain and so didn't Niall.

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