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Without allowing me the chance to respond, even though I highly doubt that I would, he leaves the room as fast as possible with wide eyes.

I know I hurt him, but the fact he still is, the fact that it's effecting him till this day chips away at my own heart.

"Is everything okay with your boyfriend?" one of the more lanky models asks.

I open my mouth to tell her that everything's okay and to confirm our relationship was still solid, but was it really? I had mixed emotions for that boy, some days I just wanna rip his shirt off and other days I want to rip his head off. Our, relationship if you must, was toxic. It was and forever will be a back and forth with our complex emotions for each other and it's not healthy.

Even though I want to chase after him and yell at him for sharing his feelings with me and to say that we will never be more than friends, I can't.


"So where is he now?" Fin asks skeptically but still seemed to be preoccupied by something else over the phone.

"I'm not sure, maybe he's back at the apartment but you know Harry, he can be difficult." I sigh, taking a long chug of water from my bottle then take my towel and wipe the sweat from my face. I loved boxing, I don't remember why I stopped. Oh right, I was a lazy bum.

"You don't know the half of it...Esme, he's in love with you. I know it's hard for you to register that, but it's true. I don't understand how that boy can live with you and not want to jump off a bridge. I was never for you two living together because it's not healthy for either of you. You two need to sit down and discuss other living arrangements, he can stay with us if he must but I can not allow the both of you to live together any longer, okay?"

She seemed more concentrated on me now and I know Fin, she meant every last word.

"You're right," I sigh after a long pause. "I'll tell him when I get home, I promise."

"Good, now I have to go if you need me I'm a phone call away," She sounds stern, like a mother, and I try not to giggle like a child.

"Yes of course, bye," I bite my lip to conceal my laughs before hanging up.

Remember when life was just simple? Before I ran into Niall that one afternoon my life was less hectic, but it was probably inevitable since we'd obviously reunite in England.

My mind continued to race with thoughts and past memories; my unusual teenaged years could've been a movie for crying out loud. My past struggles seemed so foreign to me now. It slips my mind about my bullies, my suicidal mark, my boyfriend in jail for an alleged murder. I wonder if Emma knows about that? I mean she should, seeing how big of a section that was in his life. But who knows, he's a totally different man when he's with her...

Niall's POV

The trains were less busy than they usually were tonight which I was nothing but glad for when I got my chance to sit down after a long day at work.

My thoughts shock me, I never thought I'd be that guy who works from five in the morning to five in the evening, come home to a posh town house and yell, "Honey, I'm home!"

Well okay, I don't say that, but this person I've become would.

I remember my plans after high school. Actually, they were me and Esme's plans. We were going to travel the world, together, but of course that all changed when she left...

I thought we'd be together forever. I know, some mythical dream, huh? But that's what I wanted with her. I wanted to wake up every morning to see her tousled brown hair besides me and hear her sweet laugh every day, and be the reason for that laugh. She was absolutely perfect in every way, she still is.

But Emma. There's a totally different image with her. I've experienced things and feelings I hadn't felt with Esme. Emma made me happy, and I hope to stay that way.

Once I'm nearing my house I spot a tall, slender man walking swiftly down my front stairs with his hands dug into his pocket and his collar of his black trench coat perked up. I slow my steps as I decipher the familiar figure.

"Harry?" I call at the man, who stops in his tracks. "What...what were you doing coming out of my house?"

When he turns on his heals to face me his sneaky little smirk makes a knot in my stomach.

"Hello to you too, man. I was just getting my watch that I left here when you had Esme and I over. Remember I had called? I was hoping to have you answer the door, your fiancé kinda scares me."

All the rising anger that was building up subsides. What the hell was I expecting? I guess it was just the worst getting to me with the past and all.

"Oh, ha, well I'm sorry if I came off a little harsh, long day at work. I'll see you around, mate," I wave him off before heading towards my home.

(A/N: short? maybe. I'd say I'm sorry but two simple, over used, words that are taken advantage of daily can't change my repeating absence. I'll try my best, definitely. much love, ox, Dee!)

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