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"I'm getting married in an hour. Esme, I'm getting married in an hour." Fin repeats over and over as she stares out the window wise the hair stylist styles her hair.

"I know and it's going to magical like a fairy princess wedding." I tell her as another woman finishes my makeup. "You sure? Is Zayn getting cold feet? I hope not, oh my god I hope not." She sounds horrified and the stylist muffles back laughter as do I. She always over exaggerates things way to far and it's quite amusing.

"Do you want me to go check on them?" I sigh, twisting the silk robe I had on in my hands. She nods and bites down on her lip like she's trying not to cry and I try not to laugh as I walk out the room. I'm such a great friend, aren't I?

I walk down the hall, when I see Harry who sends me a head nod and a smile before turning back to the pretty blonde girl he was talking to. Did he move on? Am I mad or am I pleased? God, I can't do this right now. Today's about my best friends and that's all it'll be about.

"Zayn? It's Esme." I say, knocking on the closed door.

"Come in."

When I enter the room, all the grooms men are gone and Zayn's playing with his tie on the chair, staring at the glass of what I assume is Whiskey, his favorite. It never seemed to make him buzzed, well, not until he downed three glasses which I'm sure he's not planning on doing.

"Here, have one with me." He says more as a statement as he pours me half of a short glass and hands it to me. I sit crossed legged next to him and take a sip, burning my insides. I never understood why he loved this so much.

"I never thought I would see Zayn Malik getting married, let alone be maid of a honor." I tell him with a smile on my face.

"That's because you thought I was a douche bag and I'll admit I kind of was. I hated that school, of course, until I met you."

"I'm glad I fought with the guys, I'm glad I ditched them to be with you, because now you're one of the people I'd call first if I was in trouble. You're an amazing friend, super wise too, and I know you'll take care of my Finny bear like you have for years, and you'll do a kick ass job at it too." I reassure him, finishing the small amount in my cup before setting it on the table and standing up. "Now I must go and check on things down stairs before I get my dress on and not soon after that, booty pop down the isle with Ryan."

"If you dare, Fin will actually kill you both right then and there." He laughs at the thought.

"She would never ruin her dress...maybe she'll strangle us, you know she has those manly hands." I joke as I close the door behind me and I hear him choke on his Whiskey.

"Oh," someone says and when I look up it's Niall. "hello."

"Hey buddy." I smile up at him, fixing a random strand of hair that slid down my face. "I'm glad we're cool now, who would've thought it'd only take us getting shit faced?" He chuckles.

"Thank god you remember what happened or else it wouldn't be. Have you talked when Harry yet? Like actually talked, I mean."

"Sort of, I guess. We complemented each other and I introduced him to Fin's cousin, the one who's expecting a baby boy with my cousin actually! It's funny how small the world is and how big both of our families are." He tells me. Oh, so she's not a possibility to be Harry's girlfriend, so does he still like me? Do I still like him for him or was it just lust? Damn Esme, forget about it, at least till today ends.

"That's really...weird, actually. Now you and Fin are kind of related." I finally say something to keep from making this conversation less awkward.

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