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"You look stunning." Taylor says in awe when Fin steps to the tiny podium with her wedding dress on. This was the first time Taylor, Emma, Zayn's sisters and mom were seeing the dress and she was nerve filled.

"Wow, I wasn't expecting something that beautiful, sweetie." Tricia, Zayn's mom comments.

"I like it, you look like a model." Safaa adds.

"Yeah, like the ones in those magazines." Waliyha agrees.

"Zayn's gonna fall in love all over again when he sees you." Doniya smiles.

"He totally is! You look phenomenal!" Emma says.

"I still think a princess dress would look amazeballs, but like I said from the beginning you look fab, girl." I tell my best friend, trying not to laugh at myself. She rolls her eyes at me, "You know I hate princess anything, there's a reason I made everything vintage."

"When we go shopping for my dress I'll try on princess looking dresses for you, Esme!" Emma laughs. My heart sinks for many reasons. One, she's marrying my ex and she doesn't even know it, and two, she just invited me to go dress shopping for her wedding with my ex. "Thank you, Emma." I say to her like I was relieved. My acting skills are up to par today. Speaking of golf, I wonder how that's going with all the guys. Yesterday was just another lounging day, and Harry suggested they all go golfing as a pre-bachelor party thing.

"You guys sure you don't want to try on your bridesmaids dresses?" Fin asks us for the fourth time today.

"No Fin! We've tried it on five times, I'm sure it fits perfectly on all of us." Taylor sighs with agreements from Waliyha and me. "Okay, okay! I just need everything to be perfect. There's only three days left till the wedding and I'm freaking out." She groans in frustration as she walks back to the dressing room.

"Whoa, I swear yesterday it was a month away." Tricia says with a small laugh. "My baby boy isn't going to be a baby any more!"

"Ma, I think he wasn't your baby when we turned eighteen." Safaa giggles. "Oh hush! Even when he's forty with children, he'll still be my baby boy." She scolds her.

"Guys, it's past two, we have to get to Aunt Mel's birthday party before she does!" Doniya says to her family after checking her phone. "Where'd the time go?" Tricia asks, getting her bag f the table. "Fin honey, we're off! See you at the rehearsals!"

"Oh, okay! Bye, thanks for coming!" She yells a reply. "I'm mad you can't come to the bachelorette party." I say to Doniya.

"Right? But you have to tell me everything that happens, I wanna know how Fin's gonna react." She whispers to me. I shoot her a wink as she walks out with the others ahead of her in response.

"Did your mom see your dress, Fin?" Emma questions when Fin returns. "Yeah, she's in love with it." Fin nods. "Her parents are the cutest because they have Texas accents and her mom calls everyone, 'Honey Bee.' It's adorable." Taylor says to Emma.

"Honey Bee, you sure you don't want a second slice of my grandmama's yummy apple pie? Dear child, you're to thin to refuse another slice, you just wait here, I'll get you another." I mimic Fin's mother making everyone laugh.

"It's weird how good you are at that." Fin continues to laugh.

"Sweetie pie, your mama has been nothin' but kind to me ever since you took me to your house. She says she enjoys havin' another daughter instead of those three rascals of sons." I say with my imitation.

"Stop, you're scaring me!" She squeals, slapping my arm. "But now I want my grandma's pie."

"Grandmama, young lady!" I correct her. "And you can not have that delicious pie, not unless you want to fit in your dress."

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