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"I really liked that last one." I tell Harry as we make our way down Central Park after checking out numerous amounts of apartments. It's almost marking a month of us rooming together and we've finally found time to look for jobs and apartments for him, even though he didn't seem to want to leave.

"I still like it back at our place more." He says in a teasing manner but I know some where deep down he's serious. "No, but seriously, that one was pretty nice, I'm just unemployed and I rather find a job first than a place to live. Sadly no schools really want nor do they need English teachers."

"You should check in with our old dwelling." I joke, dodging the many strangers who were also on there lunch breaks.

"Yeah, but that's like a town and a pretty good distance from the city...but then again, West is there..." He thought on it.

Actually, I would love to move back to our town. It's the same vibe as the city just less crowded and everyone's friendly. Well, friendly for New Yorkers. It's too bad my work as a photographer can only be done from the city. Unless I do personal pieces...

"Hey, can I ask you a weird favor and you promise not to laugh?" I ask, looking up at him and swerving people all at once.

"Of course babe, go on." He smirks but bites his bottom lip to hide it.

"Actually, never mind, it was dumb." I sigh at my wandering thoughts. Almost one month and I can't deny that I haven't thought about kissing him every time he play fights with me. Oh but wait, I can, to everyone who questions it. I can't kiss him though, that'll cause issues of confusion not only for me, but for him. We're friends, I'm the one who established that, I have to deal with it.

"Dumb? I doubt it, just say what you have to." He urges but I can sense the hesitation. Or maybe it was nervousness? No Esme, stop going into detail about the little stuff.

"When we're back at my building I can ask Francine to see if we have any job openings, just something to keep you on your feet." I sort of switch topics.

He doesn't say anything but finally allows his smirk to be shown before burying his face into the top of his jacket as we continued towards my building. Kindly, he opens the door for me and I'm greeted by the smell of coffee beans from the Starbucks on the main floor and the heated air surrounding it.

"Floor 84, please." I tell the man who sits in the elevator. I never understood why these guys got jobs for sitting in this elevator and pressing buttons for people. I know this is a high end establishment, but I'm sure we're all capable of pressing our own elevator buttons.

I'm the first to get off and already I'm ambushed by Fiona and Calvin.

"I need your input on these photos that Johnson took yesterday!" Fiona squeals, flapping developed photos in my face.

"I need you to cover my four o'clock model session, Valerie wants me to help choose the swatches for the new skirts." Calvin rushes out.

"Erm, these look..." I say as I snatch the photos from Fiona and quickly scan over it. "it needs retouching but other than that, they're pretty good. And for you Calvin, I have your four o'clock covered."

Fiona already rushes away without another word and Calvin hugs me before jogging off in the other direction. Finally when all the hectic behavior submerges, I follow over to Harry who seems to be having a very giggle-filled conversation with Francine.

"Yeah, then this one here," Harry continues to say as he points to his rose tattoo, "this one wasn't from too long ago. I think it's pretty nice to have something simple for a change."

"Did you ask her about any jobs?" I intrude and Francine glares over at me before answering.

"There isn't any available. Well, not ones Harry here would be interested in. Unless he wants to sort mail."

"I'll sort mail! Any job at the moment is good enough for me." Harry jumps at the offer.

"Okay then, fill out this paperwork and I'll call you if you get it, which I'm sure you will." She tries to say in seductive way, which causes me to snort and her to glare at me. "Oh Esme, don't forget your meeting is at four o'clock and it's two minutes to four."


"But I promised Calvin I'd cover his model castings!" I shriek, taking in deep breaths as I fail to attempt not to freak out.

"I'll do it, if I can." Harry speaks calmly as he hands back the filled forms to Francine.

Without another word in, I've got Harry by the sleeve as I run down the office area, past the cubicles. Out of breath, I literally push Harry into the room filled with gorgeous models and my heart drops to my pants.


"And so if we continue this it can most certainly be profitable..."

Those words are probably the only words that registered in my head through the tapping of my pen on the table showing my major anxiety. I wouldn't be surprised if Harry's being seduced by all of them, he himself could be a model. What the hell was I thinking leaving him there with those flawless girls? But then again, why do I care so much?

"Girlie?" Calvin says slowly, tapping my shoulder. "Meeting ended five minutes ago and you're the only one still here."

Holy shit, he's right.

"Crap!" I squeak, pushing Calvin back and sprinting out the meeting room.

I shouldn't be this concerned, I shouldn't care at all, but I do. I know I'm setting myself up for disaster acting this way, but I can't help it.

"Harry!" I yell before I have the door opened.

Everyone, every perfect face, turns to the disheveled mess I call myself and my eyes search swiftly for Harry, but he isn't there amongst them. Relief submerges but my nerves are still on edge. What if he left with one of the girls or something?

"Baby, what's wrong?" That familiar deep voice mumbles in my ear as his arms wrap around my waist from behind. "You look like you're about to explode."

My heart rate speeds up as Harry twirls me around to face him and his face is awfully close to mine. "I....uh...I..."

"Oh, I'm pretending you're my girlfriend because it was either that, or tell them I'm gay but I knew if I said that, it'd backfire in my face if they asked for fashion tips or something." He whispers quickly before kissing my cheek.


"You're so stereotypical, Styles, but why don't you want to hook up with one of them?" I say low enough from them not to hear. His facial expression dwindles and his smirk falls.

"I'm afraid of my heart being broken again."

(A/N: I won't sit here and explain my absence with a long ass rant and apology, pretty much I've been busy I've actually had a life for my MIA months, I've actually had drama and love in my life that I kind of screwed up and I just couldn't get myself to write this chapter the way I wanted it to be because for the months I've been gone I've slowly wrote small amounts so I'm sure the vibe is all over the place too.

I'm sorry, I know it's not enough, I know it's too short, I'll try harder.

Comment, I love reading them, seriously.

Vote, it means a lot.

I love you guys, thanks for putting up with my disappearance. ❤

Ox, Dee)

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