I swallow a few times when I feel my dinner start to come back up. Please don't throw up....Please don't throw up!

"Tessa." Chris says as I look at anything but the blood. "Tessa!" He shouts again.

"I can't look. I'm sorry...It's too much." I state.

"Marshall needs your help." Chris says as I shake my head again. "He can bleed to death right here, right now Tess!" He shouts.

I go quiet for a few seconds as I squeeze my eyes shut. I try to tell my self that it's just blood. It's just a bit of liquid that's all. The only noise in the room was Chris breathing heavily as he wait for my response.

"What do you need me to do?' I half whispers and turn to look at him.

"I need you to press your hand down on his wound." He states as he watches my face slowly turning pale and green. "It will be okay. You can do this." He says.

I slowly stand up from my spot and walk towards Chris. His white shirt was covered in blood and so we're his hands. I sit next to Chris and watch him as he lifts his hands up.

"There...You're doing good." Chris says as I place my hand on Marshall wound.

I swallow I couple of times when I feel think and warm liquid on my hands. Chris slowly stands up and checks Marshall's pulse.

I can do this...I can do this..No, I can't. I'm going to be sick!

"What now!" I yell at Chris. I try not to look at the blood on my hands. "Chris!" I shout.

"Okay we, uhrm...we need to..." Chris trails off when his eyes land on the floor behind me.

"What? What do we need to do Chris?" I ask.

Chris stands up from his spot next to Marshall on the floor and walks past me. He kneals down on the floor and picks up the pill bottle as he sighs.

My eyes snap back to Marshall when I see his body starting to shake under my hands. My eyes go wide when I see his lips start to turn blue and his mouth starts to foam.

"Chris!" I scream. Chris quickly turns to me and his eyes go wide when he rushes to Chris.

"Call and ambulance Tessa! Tell them to come here right away. Then phone Karla and tell her that i'm coming with Marshall and to get an OR ready!" Chris shouts at me as I quickly stand up and grab the hotel room as my blood stained fingers tremble.

After another few minutes an ambulance quickly arrives. We cover Marshall face so staff don't get a look of his face.

We quickly get into the ambulance and I stay seated in the corner as I watch the paramidics and Chris help Marshall. After a few minutes, we arrive at the hospital that Chris and Karla work at.

I stand up slowly when the ambulance stops. The door open and Chris quickly jumps out and start to talk to the two doctors.

"We have a male patient, 31 years old. He was found overdosed by his fiancé and was stabbed with glass. His pupils are responsive and looks like he's been out for more than half an hour judging by the temperature of his body. The substance he overdosed is likely to be vicodin pills." Chris says as he jumps out the ambulance and speaks to the doctor who's helping the paramidics and Chris take out the gurney that Marshall is laying on.

"Marshall." Karla's eyes go wide. "Oh god." She says when Chris helps me out the ambulance.

"Karlz. I...I...f-found him unconscious in his hotel room." I stutter as I walk towards her.

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