Chapter 6

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Dam it I'm an idiot! Of course this was gonna happen. I knew it but I couldn't keep them in check and they got in the way. Getting too close to her will put both her and her mother at risk and that cannot happen. I would not be able to live with myself knowing it was my fault if something happened to them. 

Dam hormones!

I let my guard down and I got too close. Now I need to lay low for a few days to try and throw the royal guards, whom I know are tracking me, off my scent. I should sleep in the forest tonight, god knows she kicked me hard enough to crush all my organs. I can't help the pride that swells in my chest at her defense even if was at my expense. She truly was a gem. 

 I have to go to her when she is alone, otherwise she'll think it is another dream. She doesn't understand plain english, she can be a bit daft at times. Maybe I should I hide a bit longer. No! What if they take her and expose my secret, she'll have no idea what they are talking about but they'll think she's trying to protect me and torture her.

Well then it's settled, I'm telling her today.


I crawled in the doggy door where a bowl of food and water was waiting for me. God I love these people! I will definitely miss them when I finally reveal myself. Who knows what will happen when I do. Will I be forced to leave or will I have to go back to the fox they know?

I started eating when I hear light footsteps coming down the stairs. "Mom have you seen Kai, I haven't seen him since yesterday." I hear Skye ask.

"I think he's in the kitchen." Her mom said. Skye walked in and looked around before finding me eating. I licked her hand as a sign of a thank you and continue eating.

"I'll be home with you today since there's no school today." She hopped on the counter and started playing on her phone. After I finished eating I went over to her and grabbed her hand.

"Stop it Kai." She swatted me away. Woah what's with her today, she adores me and never swats me away. Someones moody..

I grabbed her hand again and she groans. She follow me to her room. I closed the door and push her on her bed.

"Kai what are you doing?" I then noticed the bags under her eyes. She looked exhausted.

I'll make it quick so she can sleep without me bothering her in what she believes are dreams. I went in her walk in closet and shifted. I pulled on a pair of shorts out the box and took a deep breath. It's now or never Kai.

"Where did you go boy?" Taking one more deep breath I peak my head out the door of it and she gasped dropping her phone.

"You! Your back!" She glared at with her arms folded. Her eyes searched the room for something before she darts to the other side of the room and before I can gather what she is doing, there is a tv remote in her hand ready to whack me.

"Please don't hit me again!" I hold my hands up in defense and only peek my eyes open when I was sure my skull wasn't bashed in. Am I safe? She stands there with her arms crossed and her weapon at the ready. Skye pushes me out of the way, not at all afraid and look in the closet.  "Where is my fox?" He's gone.

"I am your fox." She steps back until she's is half way across the room. Her eyes wide and fear already across her face. Before I can react, a stinging pain erupts on my forehead very suddenly and I am sure there is a mark on my head. My goodness, what sport does she freaking play!

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