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"Hey! Can you take it easy—"

"Hey, we still have some scotch tape, right?"

"Okay, okay! I'll shut up!"

I was hysterical. Being dragged by these two was the least I expected; I don't even have the slightest clue where they're taking me, and if I make any noise - well, seaweed head here will patch up my mouth with scotch tape. And as much as I hate to admit, I doubt anyone will hear me, considering everybody's busy with practice and we're a little far from the classrooms now.

"Now," the taller one said, releasing his iron grip from my arm. We were now inside an empty lab. "Care to tell us why you're trespassing?"

Annoyed, I dusted invisible dirt on the spot he touched. "I'm not trespassing, I was simply looking for someone. If I had seen him ahead of time, I wouldn't even be walking through the corridors."

"Uh-huh," he nodded but I knew he was unconvinced. "Is the person you're looking for part of the Dance and Literary Club? You seemed to be enjoying yourself there."

My cheeks turned red in anger and slight embarrassment. I breathed in, trying my best to compose myself. I'm carrying the name of my school and attacking these two will only increase their suspicions. Yes, I should calm down.

But I really can't.

"I was just— I just watched the performance! What's wrong with that? It's not like I stole something!" I retaliated.

"So you finally admit you were trespassing," the seaweed head boy cut in, his arms folded as he stared down at me. His complexion was paler compared to mine.

I scowled. "I wasn't! I didn't come here to steal anything or hurt somebody," I defended while showing them the leather wallet in my hands. "Listen smart ass, somebody from this school left this wallet and I'm just being nice so I decided to come after him and return it!"

"Nice?" The tall one repeated before taking the log book from seaweed head. He smiled, his dimples showing. "Listen kid, just tell me your name, parents' contact number-"

"What am I, stupid? Why would I give you my parents' contact number?"

"Well, I'm going to send this to the principal and Student Council President. Through the number, we can speak to your parents and tell them you were trespassing—"

"That was a rhetorical question!"

He shrugged. "As you said, you're nice, so give me your name."

I furrowed my brows. I am absolutely furious and embarrassed. I'm embarrassed because they saw me gawking over Jungkook - or the boys earlier. I'm aware I'm the one at fault for actually sneaking in but probably out of humiliation, my anger gets the best of me.

But okay, yes, they have all the rights to act arrogant because this is their teritory. Bottom line: I'm the wrong one.

And then it hit me.

"Wait, you're not wearing the Seiho uniform either," I frowned before letting a smirk take over my lips triumphantly. "Ha! You're a poser! You're not a prefect member!"

I expected them to panic upon hearing my conclusion but they only stared down on me, like I've gone crazy and a brief sigh escaped their lips.

Seaweed head grabbed something from his pocket and brought it up to the level of my face. It was his I.D. "We're college students and we're not studying here." He said and I read his name on the card - Min Yoongi.

Unbearable | Jeon JungkookTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon