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Spoiled Brat


"I'm in this club and-" I accidentally pressed the end call button, stopping my conversation with Hyori.

My head was already throbbing painfully. The strong bitterness of the alcohol was still stuck in my throat; my vision was spinning, I feel like a mess. Why the hell am I here again?

Oh, right—because of my boyfriend. I tried to forget what happened between the two of us earlier, but as much as I attempt to erase it from my mind, the more it haunts me.

I massaged my temples. I was supposed to have dinner with Jungkook earlier, together with my family. Hyejin unnie arrived in the afternoon and she was way too excited to meet him. Eomma and Appa seemed to look foward as well, I'm sure they're both eager to know Jungkook's likes and interests. I was excited as much as they were. I was sure that they're going to love him, he's just perfect.

The table was already set at seven. We were waiting for him to arrive; me, Hyejin unnie, my brother Daehyun, Eomma and Appa.

"Is he not going to show up yet?" Complained my 16-year-old sibling, Daehyun. "I'm going to eat-"

"Daehyun," My sister frowned, shaking her head. "Let's wait for Jungkook."

I bit my lower lip awkwardly, "He's coming... don't worry..."

Both my parents are professionals, which is why they hate being tardy. And I know, Jungkook being late is not a good impression.

Fifteen minutes passed and still no sign of him, not even a text message. I shut my eyes tightly as I sighed in frustration. Where is he? He should be here right now!

We weren't touching the food yet, as a sign of respect to my boyfriend. I can tell that they were already starving, yet they're patiently waiting for him as well.

Seven-thirty displayed on the wall clock and he still wasn't here, however. My eyes fell down, ashamed to meet anyone's gaze. Where is Jungkook? My family is a bit strict with time, and him being late for exactly thirty minutes is not tolerable.

I heard the familiar sound of utensils clashing together. I raised my head, only to find Daehyun placing different kinds of food on his plate.


"Let him," Appa's voice full of authority echoed. "Let's eat, Eunhye. I don't like wasting time."

"Yes, Appa..." I could replied quietly.

After dinner, everybody was resting, but it appears that someone was at the door waiting for me. When I checked the clock, it was eight-twenty already.

My arms were folded and my lips were sealed together when I stepped out of the house, only to see Jungkook. He was wearing an indigo-colored v-neck and black jeans. He was carrying a bouquet of flowers.

"Sorry I'm late—"

"Come back next time," I cut him off in a cold tone. "We finished dinner already."

Unbearable | Jeon JungkookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora