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I was sitting next to Chica, talking about how the training is going to be. Foxy and Mangle were getting ready, and they were taking forever. The door opened and someone came in. "Hey, hey, hey! Guess who's back?" (Y/N) said. I ran up to (Y/N) and hugged him / her. "You're here!" I said and smiled. "Yeah, Mangle invited me to see her train. And it's really good to be back." (Y/N) said. I nodded and we sat down on the table. Foxy came with his pirate outfit on and with a sword. "Mangle, would ye hurr' up already?" He said and started to do some moves with his sword. Mangle came in, she had a different outfit on, and a hook, and she had an eyepatch, also a parrot on her shoulder. "Lolita!" Foxy smiled really big. Lolita chirped and flew to the table. "Alright, Mangle. Are you ready?" Foxy asked. "I'm ready!" Mangle said and it started.

"Remember, you do it for her. And you'll do it again. You do it for her", Mangle came in to the song "that is to say you do it for him." Foxy started to sing again, "Keep your stance wide, keep your body lowered. As you're moving forward, balance is the key. Right foot, left foot. Now go even faster, and as you're moving backwards, keep your eyes on me." Foxy sang. The sword training got faster, swing, block, swing, backflip, and more. This time, Mangle started by herself. "Keep my stance wide." "Good" "Keep my body lowered." "Right!" "As I'm moving forward" "Concentrate! Don't you want her to live?!" "Right foot, left foot" "Yes! But put your whole body into it! Everything you have, everything you are you've got to give." We watched as Foxy did his own sword moves. "On the battlefield, where everything is chaos. And you have nothing but the way you feel, your strategy, and a sword. Just think about the life you'll have, together after the war. And then you do it for her, that's how you know you can win. You do it for her." Mangle came in again, "That is to say you'll do it for him." Mangle kept trying really hard, she looked like she wanted to quit, but Foxy wasn't going to let that happen. "Deep down, you know, that you weren't built for fighting. But that doesn't mean you're not prepared to try, what they don't know, is your real advantage. When you live for someone you're prepared, to die." Foxy sang and kept doing sword moves. "Deep down, I know, that I'm just a human." "True." This time they both charged after each other and sang in unison. "But I know that I can draw my sword and fight!" Mangle did a backflip before Foxy got to touch her sword. "With my short existence." "Good." "I can make a difference." "Yes, excellent!" "I can be there for her, I can be her knight. I can do it for her." They started to sing in unison again, "You do it for her." Mangle did another move. "Okay, now do that again." "Yes, Sir!" "You do it for her, and now you say." Mangle grabbed his hands. "You do it for him." They both finished and were breathing heavily. They looked at us. I was in tears, Chica had wide eyes, and (Y/N's) nose was bleeding. Mangle walked over to Chica. "You ok?" She asked. Chica shook her head. "Y-yeah, I-I'm fine.." She said and ran to her room. Foxy walked over to me. " 'R you ok, mate?" He asked and wiped my tears. I slowly nodded and hugged him. That song and how they trained was beautiful. Foxy was sweating and he smells terrible. "Eww, Foxy you need a bath." I said and scrunched up my nose. Foxy glared at me. "Well, aren' ye nice?" He said and hugged me tighter. My eyes widened. "Foxy! You're gonna kill me, omg the smell is terrible!" I laid my head back and pretended that I was dead. "Fine, fine! I'll take a bath, just to make ye happy." Foxy said and pouted. He walked away. "I think I need a bath, too." Mangle said and got her things. I looked at (Y/N), who still has his / her nose bleeding. I grabbed his / her hand and took him / her to the kitchen. I got a piece of tissue and gave it to him / her. "Thank you, Bonnie." (Y/N) said. "So, how's life?" I asked him / her. "It's pretty (good, bad)" he / she said. (If you said bad) "Aww, it'll get better." (If you said good) "That's great!" I said. (Y/N) nodded. I kept talking to him / her until he / she looked at the window. His / her eyes widened. "Bonnie!" He / she yelled and tackled me. I fell to the floor with him / her on top of me. I looked at the window, there was a guy with a gun, he said something and ran away. "Thank you (Y/N)! I almost got killed." Foxy came in and saw the position that me and (Y/N) is in. "F-foxy, it's not what it looks like." I said. Foxy looked down and said nothing. (Y/N) got up and helped me up. "I think it's best if I leave." He / she said. (Y/N) hugged me and walked away. "Oh, and it's not what it looked like Foxy. You know that I'll never take Bonnie away from you." (Y/N) said and left. "Foxy..." I quietly said, but he walked away.

* 11:50 PM *
I didn't talk to Foxy since that happened. I just wish he listens to what I have to say, but he just keeps ignoring me. At dinner, I kept looking at him and he just sat there eating his food. And every time I tried to talk to him, he would ignore me or pretend that his shoes were untied. Chica and Mangle noticed the awkwardness and left us alone. But, FOXY JUST HAD TO WALK BACK TO PIRATE COVE AND STAY THERE FOR DA FLUFFING NIGHT! So this is why I'm in my room, without his funny self and cuddles and kisses. I started playing with my ears and someone knocked on my door. "Open." I said and Foxy walked in. I looked down and he sat next to me. "Foxy, (Y/N) didn't mean to make things look that way. There was someone at the window with a gun and he tried to shoot me, so (Y/N) tackled me and saved me, and that was when you walked in and saw us.." I explained to him. He looked down. "I'm sorry mate.. I-I just got jealous and I thought he / she was trying to ye from meh." Foxy said. I nodded and hugged him. "I'm sorry for being a jerk to ye." He said hugged me back. "It's ok, Foxy. You didn't know." I said, he started to kiss me and I kissed him back. He laid me down and wrapped his arms around me. "Do I still smell bad?" He asked. I giggled and kissed his forehead. "No, you smell just fine." I said and smiled. He smiled back and turned off the light. "Good night, Carrot." Foxy said. "Good night, Stinky." And we both fell asleep.

- Author's Note
You're welcome for adding you in the story. And about the song, is the one from Steven Universe (that show is my life *^*) so anyways when Foxy said "You do it for her" it means Mangle and Chica, and when Mangle said "That is to say, you'll do it for him" it means Foxy and Bonnie. (Just said that if you were confused) in the next chapter, there's gonna be lemon between Mangle and Chica, so be prepared! And I think that's it, right? Yeah, I think that's it. I love you all, baii

"That is to say, you'll do it for him"


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