This Is What You Get, Freddy!

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I was laying on my bed, thinking about Mangle. I wonder who did this to her, it couldn't have been me, cause I was the one to fix her. But it couldn't have been Foxy or Chica. So that leaves Freddy, I wonder if he did it. Only one way to find out. I went into Freddy's head to see if he did it or not.

* Freddy's head *
I was dreaming about Mangle. I loved the way I broke her bones and how they ticked when I fractured one. And I loved the feeling of seeing her crying and how she tried to yell in pain. The b*tch deserved it. It's her fault why Chica doesn't like me anymore. Tomorrow two people are coming so I'm looking forward to that. Ok Freddy, stop dreaming!

* Bonnie's POV *
I gasped when I got out of Freddy's head. It was him, he did it! I should've known! I'll tell Chica tomorrow, she'll know what to do. I fell asleep.

* 7:00 AM *
I woke up late, everybody was up already and ready for the day. I dreamed about carrots! Carrot, carrot cake, carrots, carrots, carrots. I love carrots, and now I'm in the mood for some. I went to the kitchen and saw Foxy, he looks depressed, tired, lonely. I sat next to him and kissed his cheek, "It's ok. I'm here." I said. He smiled and lightly kissed my lips. I kissed him back, the kiss got more passionate and I was now on top of him. He slid his hand up my shirt and I bit his lip. "Ahem!" someone said. I jumped and got off of Foxy. I turned around and saw Freddy staring at us. "Now that you're finally done, I'm going shopping." Freddy said and put his sweater on. "Would you guys like anything?" Freddy asked. My ears perked up. "CARROTS!" I yelled in excitement. Everyone looked at me and giggled. "Is that all?" Freddy grabbed his hat. "I would like some strawberries." Chica said. "And I would like pork chops." Foxy said. "Okay then, I'll see you guys later." Freddy said and walked out. "Woah, what was that back there?" Chica asked smirking. "N-nothing." I said, blushing and stuttering. "I guess meh Bonnie over here wanted t' be pleased." Foxy said and looked at me. "W-wha? Nuu! T-that's not it.." I said, my face was red. "Haha, that's ok. I'll please ye later." Foxy said and went to Pirate Cove. "I'm going to take a shower." Foxy said and went to take a shower. "Chica, I have to talk to you." I said. Chica sat down and looked at me. "About what?" She asked. "Mangle." I said. She raised an eyebrow. "What about Mangle?" She asked, looking at me with curiosity. "You know what happened to her right? And how we couldn't figure out who or what did it to her?" I asked. She nodded. "I know who did it." I said and looked down. "WHO?!" She yelled and slammed her hand on the table. "Calm down, and it was Freddy." I said and looked at her. "What..?" She looked down. "It was Freddy, he did it." Chica tightened her fists and went to her room. I went to my room and sat down. "Well, that was something." I said to myself and got my guitar. Music helps me concentrate and it makes me feel better. I started playing my guitar and sang. A few minutes later went by and Foxy came in, naked. "F-foxy! Why are you naked?!" I asked and looked the other way. "Bunny Boy! Where ar' meh boxers?!" He asked looking around. "How am I supposed to know?! Their your boxers!" I said and threw a blanket at him. "Don't act like you never seen my d*ck before, I know I did things to you with it." Foxy said. My face turned cherry red. "Foxy!" I said and hid my face in a pillow. Foxy was now standing in front of me. "Don't be shy Bunny Boy, now look at me." He commanded. I didn't move my face. "Bonnie, look at me." He ordered, again. I looked at him. He smiled. I moved my eyes down, damn it looks bigger up close. Foxy noticed that I was looking at his private and blushed. "Like what ye see?" He asked looking the other way. "Yes, I do." I said. Foxy sat next to me. I looked at him. He smirked and took off my clothes. I blushed. He separated his legs a little bit and picked me up. He put me down, inches away from his d*ck. "Ready?" Foxy asked me. I slowly nodded. He straightened his d*ck and I sat on it. I let out a loud moan as it entered my entrance. "Ohh Foxy!" I started to ride him. Foxy put his hands on my waist. I went a little faster, I gripped his legs and moaned. "Oh fuck! Daddy.. you're so big.." I moaned. Foxy started to rub my d*ck and I went harder. Which caused me to yell in pleasure. "FOXY! OHHH! FOXY!"

* Chica's POV *
"FOXY! OHHH! FOXY!" I heard Bonnie moan. I looked outside the window and saw Freddy coming. I ran to Bonnie's room and knocked on Bonnie's door. "FREDDY IS COMING! HURRY UP AND GET DRESSED!" I ran to my room, and got a book. "Foxy.. Bonnie.. c'mon hurry up.." I said to myself.

* Bonnie's POV *
I heard Chica telling us that Freddy was coming. I got off of Foxy and got dressed. Foxy got up and looked at me. "Foxy, go get dressed." I said looking at him. "I need a pair of boxers." Foxy said. I gave him a pair and he opened the door. "Oh, I'm not done with ye." Foxy said and left. I smirked and got my guitar.

Freddy opened the door and came inside. "I'm back guys." He said. I went out and grabbed some of the bags. "Welcome back." I said and started to put the things away. Foxy came. "I'm going to visit my sister." Foxy said and left. I finished putting the things away and got a carrot stick. I started to nibble on it and Chica came out. "You!" Chica jumped on Freddy and started to scratch him. Freddy winced and pushed Chica off him. I looked around. Chica already had her claws ready, and Freddy looked confused. I backed up, sat on the floor, and nibbled on my carrot again. Chica ran towards Freddy and kept scratching him. Freddy picked her up and was about to throw her. I went into his head and made him put her down. "Thanks Bonnie." Chica said and did her little laugh. Freddy grabbed his hair and fell to the floor, whimpering. Chica kept laughing, and his headache pain increased. Chica stopped and stabbed his arm. Freddy yelled, "aghhh!" Chica sat next to me. "Carrot?" I asked her. She grabbed the carrot and took a bite out of it. I smiled. "Hey Freddy, how are you doing?" I asked and snickered. "W-what do you think? Help me you, rabbit!" Freddy said wrapping some pieces of his shirt around his arm. "Nahh, I don't really feel like it." I said. Chica laughed. We kept teasing him until Foxy came back. "Hey- ohhh, what happened to you?" Foxy asked Freddy. "C-chica scratched me and then gave me a horrible headache which I still have and she stabbed my arm." Freddy said, looking at his arm. "Chica, why did you do that?" Foxy asked. "Because he did it." Chica said. Foxy looked at her confused. "What?" He asked. I looked at Foxy, "He's the reason why Mangle is in the hospital." I said. Foxy looked down. "Y-you.. you're the reason why my sister almost died.. you are the reason why she had surgery.. YOU'RE THE REASON WHY I'VE BEEN HURTING SO MUCH!" Foxy yelled. He turned into Nightmare Foxy. Freddy looked at Foxy, trying to show some sympathy. But that was over for him. Nightmare Foxy growled and got on top of Freddy. He started to punch him a lot of times. Then he ripped Freddy's skin with his hook. Freddy tried to fight back, but he couldn't. Foxy stabbed him, blood was going everywhere. Me and Chica watched as we ate carrots. My ears were wiggling, I was entertained. Chica clapped every time Nightmare Foxy did something. "Yeah! Go Nightmare Foxy!" Chica said smiling. Nightmare Foxy kept going. It was a few minutes until Freddy was unconscious. Nightmare Foxy stood up, he closed his eyes and Foxy was back. "This is what you get, Freddy! Foxy said. I got up and hugged Foxy. Chica came and hugged us too. "You did good, Foxy. Now it's time to calm down." I said. I took him to the kitchen and gave him a glass of water. He drank it in 20 seconds. "Okay.. maybe something else." I said. I took him back to the table and took out Uno. We started playing it for a while and Foxy calmed down a little. Someone opened the door, and when I looked at who came in, my eyes widened. It was-

- Author's Note
Cliffhanger!!!! Hahaha! Comment who do you think it is. And Nightmare Foxy is a savage!1!1!1! Like damn. Idk what else to say ;-;.. ohh! Momo kept laughing because we were working on something and it said "American Anti-Slavery Society" so I put "AASS" and then Momo saw it and couldn't stop laughing e.e so I told my teacher and she was like "ohhh, you wrote a bad word!" So I was like "..." and Momo found it hilarious. So, I'm done. And I see Cody laughing -.- so.. see ya in the next chapter.



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