Nightmare Foxy

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I saw the destroyed pizzeria. Glass, chairs, tables, and blood was all over the place. I looked at Freddy, he was staring at the floor. I looked around, I didn't see Chica or Bonnie. Bonnie! I ran into the kitchen. I saw Chica on the floor, crying. "Chica? Where's Bonnie?" I asked her, as I helped her up. She looked at me, sadly. "Foxy... B-bonnie got... kidnapped." Chica said. She pointed at the window, and at the bat on the floor. Something inside me started to change. I don't know what it was, but it was different. My Bonnie, was out there, somewhere, hurt, cold, helpless. Whoever took him will pay for what he did, whoever did this will die! I was breathing heavily. "Foxy, calm down." Chica looked at me. I tried to speak, but everything inside me was boiling. Freddy came in, once he saw me he ran towards me. "Foxy, control it!" I didn't pay attention, I just want my Bonnie to be in my arms, safe. My body started to change. My teeth got sharper, my clothes disappeared, now I was only wearing ripped jeans. My chest had scars on it, and my bones were showing. My eyes, they turned smaller, and were glowing. An eyepatch appeared, covering my right eye. I wasn't Foxy anymore, Foxy didn't have control over his body. I'm Nightmare Foxy now. I don't care about anything, I only care about saving Bonnie, and killing the man who took him away from me. I looked at Freddy and Chica, who now know, that Foxy is gone. "I am n'ot coming back, un'til I find meh Bonnie, and kill the man who took him away from me." I said. As Nightmare Foxy, my voice is more deeper and robotic. Chica and Freddy nodded. "Go get 'em, Nightmare Foxy." Freddy said. I jumped out the window and growled. "Someone's dying tonight!"

I woke up. Still in the dark room. Sh*t. I touched my face and whimpered. It hurts, so, so, much. I stood up and limped to the chair. I sat down and sighed. "No one is coming... no one can hear me... I'm helpless... I know that Foxy is trying to save me, but I'm pretty sure he won't find me here." I said, tears fell down my face. Will I ever see Foxy? Will I ever see Chica, or Freddy? Will this be my life for now on? I asked myself these questions. "FOXY! PLEASE! HELP ME!" I yelled, with all the hope that I have left, I hope Foxy hears me. The guy came back in, he had a knife, a bat, and rope. "I told you to stay quiet, Bunny Boy!"

I was running through the streets. People looked at me, running away or screaming for their lives. I saw Katie in the distance, she looked at me confused. But I just kept running. I went through this abandoned building. I started walking, sniffing the walls. I heard someone yelling in pain. I ran towards it. The place was very dark, and it smelled like rotten milk. "Eww, how can anyone be here?" I whispered and I covered my nose. The yelling got louder. I kept running until I found a big black door, the yelling was coming from inside. I was about to open the door until someone pointed a gun at my head. "Where do you think you're going?" The man asked. I didn't have time for this. "Move yer gun, or I'll have to make ye." I said, getting my hook ready. "You really think you can stop me?" The man asked as he laughed. I stabbed the guy in the stomach. He fell to the floor, blood coming out of him. I got on top of him. "Now tell me, Mate. Who's th'at person yelling in pain in there?" I asked him. My hook was on his neck. "You don't want to go to hell, do ye?" I said looking at him. "I-if you're looking for B-bonnie he's in t-there." The man stuttered. I slit his neck and sent him to hell. "F*cking b*tches." Five guys came. I looked around smirking. "Well den, let's have some fun!" I jumped on one of them and everything started.

The man tied me up. He started hitting me with the bat. Each hit, harder than the other. I yelled in pain, biting my lip, trying to make the pain seem less painful. But nothing worked. He stopped hitting me with the bat. I looked at the door, something slammed into it. My ears perked up, is it Foxy? Or anyone? I hope it is. The door opened, showing a bunch of guys dead. Some of their faces were ripped, or their bones were popping out of their bodies. My eyes widened in horror. Someone walked in. I couldn't see who the person was. The man held up his knife. "Whoever you are, I'm not scared of you! Show yourself!" The man shouted. The person pulled the man. The man started yelling, I heard his bones cracking, then the man coughing up blood. I shut my eyes, man that sounds really disgusting. The person walked up to me. My eyes widened. "F-foxy?" I asked. But when I saw him closely, he wasn't Foxy. I started shaking in fear. Nightmare Foxy stroked my cheek. "Hey, it's ok. I'm here to save you." He untied me and picked me up. He started walking. "What did he do to you?" He asked me. I explained to him what he did. Nightmare Foxy nodded. "He'll get what he deserves."

Nightmare Foxy opened the door. Chica and Freddy gasped when they saw me. Nightmare Foxy put me down and Chica hugged me. "I'm so sorry Bonnie! It's my fault, I should've paid more attention. I'm so, so, sorry!" Chica said as she cried. I patted her back. "It's ok Chica, it's not your fault. Plus, F- Nightmare Foxy saved me." I said. Nightmare Foxy looked at me. "Bonnie, come with me." Freddy said. I stood up and walked to the bathroom. Freddy cleaned my wounds, and fixed my wires. "Bonnie, did the man say anything about us or the pizzeria?" Freddy asked. I nodded my head, "yeah, he said that he will destroy us and that it's our fault that he is not loved by kids. But, there's more people. It's not only him." I said. Freddy nodded. "I got a phone call a few days ago. The man did say that he was going to destroy us and stuff. But he hung up, and I haven't been thinking straight since me and C- never mind." He said. I  just sat there. I know what you did, I smiled at my thought. Freddy looked at me, "well, why are you smiling, Bon Bon?" He asked. I just kept smiling and said "nothing."

Chica was sleeping in the backstage. She said that she'll be sleeping there until she feels like I can sleep by myself. Freddy was in his office, like always. Nightmare Foxy was still here. I walked up to him. "Thank you for saving me, I appreciate it." I said. He nodded, and stared at me. I got nervous and looked down. He walked closer to me, and brought my head back up. "Hey, don't do that mate." He said. I kissed him, as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He kissed me back, and wrapped his arms around my waist. We started to make out for a few minutes. When I opened my eyes, I smiled. Foxy was back. "Missed me?" He asked. I wrapped my legs around his waist. "So, so, much. I thought you weren't going to come back." I said. He rubbed my back, making my ears wiggle. "I would never leave you Bonnie. I love you to much to leave you." Foxy said. He took me to pirate cove. I laid down and he laid down next to me. "Good night, Foxy." I said as I closed my eyes. "Good night, Bonnie." Foxy said. He kissed Bonnie's forehead and went to sleep.

- Author's Note
Yooooooo Nightmare Foxy was oml! And Bonnie, yay! He's finally safe! And that moment when Bonnie said "I know what you did" which refers to Freddy and Chica having a sexual moment. And Bonnie and Foxy are so cute! I swear! Aww look at them sleeping! So cute! Oh, in the next chapter someone is coming. Someone very, very, very, important. AND TYSM FOR THE READS! LIKE MY STORY IS GOING TO HAVE 1 THOUSAND READS!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!!! I'M SO HAPPY! And to those who make Fonnie stories, I will support it! And bonbon1221 * hugs * I wuv chu ^-^ (as a friend...) and to all of those Fonnie shippers, and those who read my story * hugs * I wuv chu too! ^-^
Okie, I'm done here. Heavy metal here I come!


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