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Tomorrow is New Years. I can't wait! I was excited, we're gonna stay at a hotel and get room service and go in the pool, and just have fun! I haven't been in a hotel since I was 5 years old, so I'm looking forward to that. We were all sitting at the table. Freddy with his new hat, and Foxy with his new clothes and hook. Chica is going to dye my hair today! I'm going to be pink! "Bonnie, are you ready to be a pink bunny?" Chica asked as she got the hair dye ready. "I sure am!" I sat on the floor, and Chica sat behind me. Chica was about to start until we heard a window break. I looked around in panic. There were about five guys dressed in black. Freddy was fighting one, and Foxy was fighting another one. "BONNIE RUN!" Foxy yelled while fighting the guy. Chica helped me up. "C'mon Bonnie, we gotta go." We ran to the kitchen. Chica grabbed her keys and broke the window. A guy came in. "I don't think that's a good idea. We got you surrounded." The guy said. Chica glared at him. "Well then, I'll just have to get rid of you." She did a high kick which ended up getting the guys nose broken. I looked around, I don't know what's going on, I don't know what to do, I never been in a situation like this. I just wish that it would all end and everything would be back to normal. Another guy came in, he was bigger than the others and stronger. I guess he's the boss. He came up to me and said, "don't worry, Bunny Boy, this won't hurt." He hit my head with a bat and everything turned black.

I woke up. I looked around. I was tied to a chair, my head was pounding. My arms were sore, and so were my legs. The room I'm in doesn't have lights, or anything at all. I started yelling, "WHERE AM I?! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!" My voice echoed in the dark room. I looked down, helpless. I want Foxy... I want Chica... I want Freddy... I want to go home. I heard a door open, someone turned on the lights. I blinked, getting used to the light. The man, who hit me with the bat, came up to me. "Bunny Boy, no one can hear you while you're here. I'm being nice to you, if you yell for help or anything I will hurt you." The man said as he touched my hair. I shivered. "Please... let me go..." I said, sadly. He punched my face, causing blood to drip down. I whimpered. "Look at how nice I'm being to you, and this is what I get?" He asked. I stayed quite. He hit me again, causing me to cough up blood. "You... you are a monster..." I said, stuttering. The man laughed. "Look at who's talking. That pizzeria won't stay there for long. We will all destroy you, we will get our revenge, we will see you all suffer!" He said as he punched the wall. I looked at him, "what did we ever do to you? What did we do to get this?" I asked. The man looked at me, his eyes full of hatred. He untied me, but then started to beat me up. "YOU * punch * TOOK EVERYTHING * punch * AWAY FROM US! YOU TREATED US LIKE GARBAGE! * kick * YOU ARE THE MAIN REASON WHY WE'RE NOT LOVED BY KIDS! * kick *" He yelled at me, while punching me and kicking me. I couldn't fight back, my whole body was numb. I couldn't move. The man gave me one last punch and left. I laid there, motionless. My face was covered in scars, and was bleeding. My clothes were ripped, and some of my wires were popping out. I thought of Foxy and Freddy, and Chica. I hope they're ok. Especially you, Foxy. My vision became blurry and I couldn't see very well. "Someone... please... help me..." Everything went black again.

- Authors Note
I was crying when I wrote this chapter. It's so sad. But, just wait for the next chapter! Ohhh you guys are gonna LOVE it!!!!! Anyways, I hope you like this chapter, as your * coughs * favorite * coughs * author (nah, I'm just kidding, I'm pretty sure I'm no ones favorite author) I hope you have a good night / day, and if you ever want to talk, don't be afraid to hmu xP. (I talk to much) well, that's it, see ya in the next chapter (man, the next chapter is gonna be CRAY-ZAY but so fluffing good!1!1!1)


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