Dont Pity The Dead

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There is only so long you can cry before you run out of tears.
The pain is still there, you just can no longer physically express it.

But some people still know that it's there, even when they don't see tears.
People who truly know the person.
Know their happiness and where it comes from.

And these people, are the people that the broken people need.


Silence greeted the call.


The blonde head slowly raised, grey eyes meeting green.

"Listen to me...."

The boy nodded, looking intently at Harry, holding Scorpius.

"Can I sit down?" Harry asked gently, motioning to the spot on the couch next to Draco.

The room was dead, save the two boys.

Wrapping an arms around the slim figure, Harry smiled sadly at Draco.

"I know it's hard. I know that it feels like it's too much, that you can't do it anymore. You feel alone, and you probably feel like everything I am telling you is Bullshit. But I need you to listen to me."

Nodded his head, Draco's gaze turned to the floor, but still listening.

"It's awful. It hurts. I'm sorry, I really am. I miss him, I do. Put it's gonna be alright. With everything that you have gone though, you can surely get through one more obstacle."

"You don't understand, Harry. I'm broken."

"I'm not perfect pieced together either, Draco. But you know what? Yes, I have cracks. But you fill them."

Draco squeezed his eyes shut before gently opening them.

"We can be broken together."

Draco looked up at Harry with wide, glistening eyes.

"I like that, Harry....."

"I like it too, sweetie. You know something?"


"Someone once told me, 'don't pity the dead, pity those who live without love.'

And I thank God everyday for not letting me be one of those people."

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