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"How!? What?! How did you not know?!  Why didn't you say something?!"

"I haven't finished up on ALL the reading yet!"


"HARRY! Chill out! "


"Uh..... I don't really know. But I do know, that Draco is scared, and afraid that you will leave him. We need to go to the ROR, and you need to talk to him. I saw him in the hospital, he is a sobbing mess. He needs you right now."

Harry let out a big sigh. "Ok...." He stopped pacing and followed Hermione to the room of requirements.

"Draco......? Harry quietly asked once he entered.

"I'm s-I-I'm -sorry..." He heard sobbing. "P-please don't leav-leave m-me..."

Harry ran over to Draco, who was curled up on the floor crying.

"Oooh, baby I'm not mad at you... Shhhhhh... And I would never leave you. Shhhhh, it's alright..."  Harry cooed.

"I-I-" Draco started, but just kept crying.

"Ssshhhh.... It's okay baby. We're gonna be okay. I'm still here... I love you kitten."

"I love you to Harry. Thank you." Draco snuggles into Harry's chest. Harry lifts Draco's head to his, there lips meeting in a strong, passionate kiss. Harry's tongue swept Draco's bottom lip, begging for entrance, which Draco immediately granted him. They continued making out for a while, u till some throats cleared.

There heads turned quickly, finding Dumbledore, Snape, Mcgonagle, and Hermione standing there.

"Boys......." Dumbledore awkwardly announced. "Miss Granger here has completed her studies on Draco's kind. Hermione, care to explain?"

"Yes." Hermione started. "Well, since you are part of a half animal breed, you have a mate, as you already know. But.... Your mate can get you pregnant. Only your mate can though. So... Ya. That's basically leads us up to where we are now......" She looks at the floor.

"Mister Potter...... If I do suggest..... You may give Draco this potion to help ease the morning sickness...." Snape drawled, Harry nodding thank you and taking the vial,

"Well, I am sure we can work this all out!" Mcgonagle stated. "Please, do look after him Potter!" He needs to be kept very safe. " she said .

" We can not let anyone know his secrets."

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