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Draco woke up and smiled at Harry, who was already awake, watching Draco sleep. Draco opened his mouth to speak, but he ran. He got up and ran to the bathroom. He lifted the toilet seat and started throwing up. Harry ran in after him, trying to soothe Draco.

"It's okay love... Sssssh, you okay... We're gonna take you to Madam Pomfrey. " Harry quietly told Draco, who had developed a bad headache once gain, which he seemed to get a lot.

Harry gently picked up the boy, carrying him to the hospital wing.

"Madam Pomfrey!" Harry called.

"Oh not again! This poor boy!" She shook her head. She has Harry lay him on a bed and starts to look over him.

"Please leave the room mister Potter."

"What? But-"


"Fiiiine.... Tell me as soon as you are done though!" Harry agreed, kissing Draco's forehead , "I love you baby."

"I love you to Harry." Draco says, throwing up again.

"Ok mister potter leave now!" Madam Pomfrey rushes him out.

Harry sat outside the hospital wing for a half an hour. He was starting to get worried , just as Madam Pomfrey came out to get him. She looked worried.

"What's wrong?! Is he okay?!"

"Well, yes, physically he is a little better but.., oh dear I need Dumbledore and the others.

Soon enough, Mcgonagle , Snape, and Dumbledore were all there, talking with Madam Pomfrey.

"Well... Harry...... Draco.... Draco's.... Draco is......." They stuttered, but then sighed it out.

"Draco is pregnant."

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