Have you back

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"We were able to fix up his wounds, though they will leave serious scars. We ran multiple tests and the baby seems fine for now, as well as Draco. But he can not leave the hospital for a few days at least. He needs rest."

Harry was crying tears of joy at the news that his Draco was okay. If anything had happened he would have had to kill Ron with his bear hands.

" Can I see him? Please?! I need to see him!?" Harry begged.

"Well.... Huuh... Ok, fine..." Madam Pomfrey sighed.

The other teachers had just been there, making sure that Draco was well tended to.

Harry rushed in to the side of Draco's bed. He gasped in horror. Draco looked awful. They had cleaned him up, but you could tell me had been beaten.His face was more sunken, many more gray lines had appeared under his eyes. His hair was dirty and disheveled. He had cuts all over.

Yet Harry still thought he was beautiful. He softly stroked some of the whitish hair off of his sleeping lovers forehead, kissing the cold skin.

"Oh Draco..." He whispered. His voice cracked with emotion. " Draco baby... I almost lost you... Never again... I thought I lost you... Oh baby I'm so glad your okay. I miss you so much." Harry cradled Draco in his strong arms.

"I told you I would never leave you..."


"Yep, that's me."

"Oh my god your awake darling I missed you so much you slept for days oh my god I love you so much I will never let anyone hurt you ever again." Harry rambles.

"I'm fine Harry. Oh my god I love you to. "

There lips smash together for a passion filled kiss, something that they were both missing terribly.

"Oh Harry..." Draco breathes, after pulling away.

"How are you feeling love?" Harry strokes Draco's hair.

"Well, not great. I'm still in pain. But I'll manage." Draco sighed, but wrapped his arms around Harry's torso.

"Shhhh, it's okay baby..." Harry calmed him. "Just rest baby just rest." Harry coed.

Draco snuggled his head into Harry's chest, putting loudly in happiness.

"I've got you back, and now I'm never going to let you go. Never again."

Secrets ( A Drarry Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن