Train ride

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Harry walked into the huge doors with the rest of the students. He was happy to be back at Hogwarts, and already had plans, involving the marauders map and his invisibility cloak. He smirked as he thought about his ideas. He had one specific target as well this year;   Draco Malfoy.

Harry loved to cause mischief and play mean jokes. But especially on Malfoy. Malfoy had tried to befriend Harry in First year, but Harry declined. He knew he would have to much fun with the blonde boy. Harry grinned, remembering the train ride earlier that day.......

Harry had been seated in a compartment, his friends Ron and Hermione were in a separate one, snogging. He soon heard the door slowly squeak open, and looked up, his gaze meeting platinum blonde hair and grey eyes. Malfoy.

"Hey, Harr-Potter. The rest of the train is full.... can I sit here-I mean, I'm sitting here-" He quickly and quietly stuttered out.

Harry grinned to himself. This was a perfect opportunity for him.

"Suuuuure." Harry dragged on and smiles, and Draco nervously made his way to a seat.

"So, don't you want to sit with your, eh hem, GIRLFRIEND?" Harry evilly asked with a smile.

It was known through the whole school that Draco was gay. Everyone knew that. Including Harry.
Draco nervously itched the back of his neck, sweat starting to trickle down his face and hands.

"Shut it, Potter."

"Why? Huh?" Harry taunted.

"I said shut IT!" Draco said louder, pulling out his wand.

"Why? Why is it Malfoy? Not so big now, and whys that- Ooooh, yes, I forgot, Malfoy's a bender! Isn't he now?" Harry sneered. "No more friends to make you seem tough, eh?" Harry smirked.

Draco flushed red. Looking ashamed, he looked away from Harry.

"Stop." He whispered harshly.

"Why Malfoy? Can't handle it? You can give it but you can't take it, huh."

Draco started at Harry, hurt in the deep grey eyes, before Harry was met with the sight of Malfoy running away from him, out of the compartment.

Draco Malfoy trudged into the doors of Hogwarts, dreading this whole year, but at the same time more than glad to be away from home.

With all the differences in the wizarding  world, you'd think being gay would be normal. No. Bit, it does get you disowned and abandoned by your whole house. Fun. While he had come out, the world now only knew a little more of who he was. What he was. But he had other secrets to. Many of them.

The Great Hall filled up with students. Dumbldore took a stand, saying his usually start of term speeches. The first years getting sorted, food soon appeared all down the five tables, the feast beginning.
But Draco didn't eat. He was busy. Busy staring at someone. Someone he was in love with. Someone he had loved  since first year. Someone that he couldn't have.

                Harry Potter.

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