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"What is it darling?"

"Im hungry..."

this was how the past few weeks had gone. Harry still went to his classes, but ate his meals with Draco in the ROR. Hermione regularly came to visit them, and check on Draco and the baby.

"Im coming Draco, what do you want to eat?"

"I dont know. You know what? im not hungry anymore, i wanna sleep. Come cuddle....Please?" Draco pleaded from the bed he was lying in.

"Fine Draco. But i do have homework, i have to write two rolls of parchment for potions by tomorrow!"

"I know......Please?"


Harry sets down his parchment and quill, and crwals into the bed under the sheets.

"How is your belly feeling babe?" Harry asked, gently hugging Draco.

"I feel fine. " Draco purred, cuddling his head into Harrys chest.

He pet Draco behind his ears, making the purring grow louder. Draco wrapped his arms around Harry, pulling him in closer.

"Sleep fornow Kitten, you have another check up appointment with Madam Pomfrey later today, and we have a meeting with Dumbledore."

Dracos head shot up at this. "We do?" He meowed.

"Yes baby, i forgot to tell you im sorry."

Dumbledore had wanted Harry to bring Draco to his office to talk. They needed to sort things out, things about Dracos family, and here at Hogwarts, and, of course, about the baby.

Dracos pregnancy had been going well, Though he had some very odd craving at times, and was very possesive over harry, which posed a problem, seeing as he still had to go to classes.

"Harry? Draco?" they heard a voice. Hermione had just came in to check on them.

"Hello Mione." Draco meowed with a cute little smile.

"Hello. How are you both doing? sorry i couldnt come earlier, Ron was....nevermind, Anyways, how have you been?" She said, very rushed.

Draco flinched at Rons name. harry had no idea why, but figured he would find out later.

"We are both fine. But what about you though?" Harry asked.

"I am fine, its just, Ron... He is very mad at you. That you havent been spending as much time with him. Its all very stupid I know. And he is still doing the usual, bullying and being nasty. Sometimes i wonder why i date him..." She sighed.

"Im sorry Mione. I wish i could help..'

"No, you have enough to worry about. Speaking of which," she trails off, looking away from Draco, and getting quiet. "Um, Draco...your mother, and father.......Are here.

At hogwarts."

Secrets ( A Drarry Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora