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Harry and Draco had just come from Dumbledores office from a meeting.
It was decided that, as Hogwarts is the safest current place for them, Draco would give birth to the baby at Hogwarts.
Dumbledore would provide room and protection for them. All the teachers were informed of this. They were still trying to work out what to do with Draco's father. And Voldemort.

He was growing stronger, they felt it. And Draco's father was helping him do it.

"Mmmmm.,.." Draco sighed in contentment.

"Yes my love?" Harry kissing him on the cheek.

They were taking a walk on the grounds, hand in hand, enjoying life while they could.

"Nothing. This is just... Nice." He smiles back at Harry.
Draco had a small bump starting to show, which Harry would obsess over.

"Harry? Um... Do you think our baby will.... Will... Be half.. Cat?"

Harry had never even thought of this very likely probability.

"Oh.. Well... I don't know. But even if he or she does, they will still be just as beautiful and wonderful. Because they are ours.... And any features they get from you would be beautiful."

"I hope she has your eyes..." Draco smiles.

Harry laughs. "She?! How do you know it's going to be a girl!" He smiles.

"I don't know... I just want it to be. A wonderful little girl... " Draco laughs. "With your features. Your beautiful eyes.. .. Your beautiful hair... Your beautiful lips......." Draco whispers, leaning towards Harry's lips.

He brings them together for a passionate kiss.

"I love you Harry."

"I love you to Draco."

They continued to walk down to the lake, siting down on a nice grassy spot in the shade of a big tree.

"Ron is noticing your long absence." Harry broke the silence.

Draco had just recently started coming to some classes again.

"Oh?" Draco leans his head on Harry's shoulder.

"DRACO! Ron and Mione are coming ! Get up! Quick baby!" Harry rushes Draco to his feet.

"Hey Harry! What are you doing down here with the slimy, no good ferret!?" Ron exclaims.

"Just happened to run into him. I was just -"

"Why do you have such a problem with me?"

Everyone was shocked. Draco had stood up for himself to Ron.

Ron shoved him into the tree and pulled out his wand, pressing it to Draco's neck.

"You wanna no my problem with you!?" Ron sneered, Draco panting in fear. "You, are a disgusting, gay, half breed THING, worthless, ugly, twitchy little son of a death eater! Your just best mates with Voldemort aren't you!? And then oh come around here! Trying to get Harry to come join the evil side! Of is that your real mission? Or maybe, is little gay boy just trying to get Harry to fuck him? To get his life long pathetic love to finally love him back?! When really nobody could ever love you! You gay, and ugly, and fat-" he punches Draco in the gut.

The baby! Was everyone else's though.

"RONALD! STOP IT" both Harry and Hermione screamed.

They tried to pry him off of Draco, but Ron kept pummeling Draco's face with his fist.
Draco was in tears, blood running down his pale face.
They finally got Ron off of Draco, and Harry ran over to see him. Draco shakily stood up, holding onto the tree for extra support.


Ron scowls at her, then turns back to Draco.

He raised his wand, and before anyone could stop him-


               And then he dissaperated.

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