Chapter 24

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Rose's POV
I've always loved fire.
I've always admired it beauty and its deadlines.
The two things that I am.
And right now, this explosion is by far my favourite.
I'm standing beside Lissa, watching all the Strigoi burn before me. I couldn't be more proud of my acting. They were all fooled.

Once I saw all the bodies had falling down, I activated the part of the bomb that would get rid of the fire. It was immediately extinguished and once it was gone, Lissa brought out a mysterious box from underneath her seat and held it out me, grinning. I smiled as I opened it to reveal my stake. I picked it up slowly, touching the beautiful pattern and admiring how right it felt in my hands. With the stake in my hand, I walked over to the Strigoi and checked all of them to make sure they were dead.

I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I walked around and staked random Strigoi that I knew weren't dead. Once it was done I looked up at Lissa smiling.

"Well, I think that went really well don't you think? And I should congratulate you for your acting." I said.

"Perfectly Rose. I knew you could do it! And yes it was hard to " Lissa said.

She walked up to me and took my stake. She took a deep breath and plunged the stake into my heart. The spirit flew through and gave me life. I was soon back to my old dhampir self. I flung my arms around Lissa and she responded just as happily, attempting to pick me off the ground.
"Liss, you know you can't pick me up." I said lightly smacking her.
"Hey I tried at least." she said rolling her eyes.
I grinned as I pulled away and turned towards the crowd looking at me with awe.
"The serum can last for an entire month, which is why you saw me do what I do. But I couldn't act like I wasn't one of them. So I chose to become the queen and with the help of my squad and Lissa. I was able to get the equipment I needed to kill everyone. Pretty cool huh?" I said.
They were all shook. Clearly they weren't expecting me to be so calm about this. But it didn't take them long to recover from their shock.
My team came forward and carried me into the building with everyone else trailing behind. Tonight would be a real party.

After the party I was walking back with Lissa, Christian, Clary, Zara and Dimitri to Lissa's quarters. We were all smiling and chatting away happy at the success of this. As we we're walking in, Dimitri pulled me aside.
"Rose? Can I talk to you?"
I nodded and asked Lissa to take Clary. She nodded and gave me a hug before going to bed. Dimitri and I stayed in the living room.
"Talk Dimitri. What do you want?" I said.
Dimitri took a deep breath and looked at me.
"I...I don't know how to put this, but I don't think I can be in a relationship with you Rose. I can't have someone who's always away." he said.

Yeah I'm gonna leave you on a little bit of a cliffhanger. Don't worry I will post another chapter soon.
Hope you enjoyed it!
See you soon!
Lots of love always,
Patreise/Pattybubs ❤🖤

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