Chapter 11

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Back to Rose's POV
I hugged Clary as I struggled to hold back my own tears. My friends around me were comforting me but it still hurt.
"He didn't mean it Rose. He's just a bit upset that he's missed out on so much of Clary's life that's all." Lissa was trying to reassure me.
I nodded and turned to my daughter.
"Honey, your father loves you more than you think. He's a bit upset that he has missed out on so much of your life." I explained to her.
She nodded and hugged me. I'm so glad she understands. She's so mature for her age. Very developed in the brain and body. I think that's what happens when your parents are both dhampirs. But this is the first time it's ever happened.
Tim came in then and looked slightly out of breath.
"Rose, Clary, come downstairs. We have a surprise for you."
Clary looks at me in confusion and I just shrug my shoulders at her. We all follow her downstairs to see presents. Everywhere.
Dimitri had a lot of boxes surrounding him and he was grinning. Clary looked around in awe and walked forward.
"What's all this Dad? Is this for me?" she asked.
"Yes. As an apology. I really am sorry. I-"
"I understand. Look dad I know you have missed out on my life for a couple of years but I do want us to have a good relationship. But dad you need to realise that every other man that I know is going to be some sort of father figure to me. Okay?"
"I get it now sweetheart. So will you accept these presents?"
"Of course!" she said.
She got a lot of pretty clothes and toys. She also received presents from Dimitri's family in Russia. But the best gift was the last one.
"I heard that you wanted to be a YouTuber one day. So I wanted to make sure you had all the help you can get."
Her eyes widened as she opened the box to find camera equipment and a couple of computers and a laptop.
"Oh my god dad! Where did you get this?!" she squealed.
"I have my sources. When you're older, we will have this set up for you and you can start." he smiled.
She gave a giant hug and with the help of everyone, they all got the presents up to her room. Dimitri asked me to stay behind. Lissa gave me a hopeful look before going upstairs with Clary. I turned to him. He walked up to me and tried to kiss me but I walked back.
"Woah. Don't think that just because you have done this to Clary, doesn't mean you automatically win my heart. You've scored some points but that's it."
Dimitri sighed and looked at me.
"Well do you at least have my forgiveness?"
"I suppose so. But remember. It'll take you a while."
"I'm prepared Red. I want to do this."    I smiled and told him to go upstairs. As soon as he went there I walked to the bookshelf. I pressed the button behind the wall and followed the corridor down to an office door. My father was waiting inside.
"How's it going Red?"
"Well. He's getting to know Clary. But I am worried about the humans trying to get to us."
"Well we have just learnt of a party that we'll have to crash tomorrow night."
"Very well dad. I will make sure my squad is ready."
"Excellent. Now make sure you're careful around Dimtri. Whilst he may get along with Clary, he might still leave you."
"Don't worry dad, I am aware. I'm not going to properly trust him yet. It will take him some time. Tomorrow I shall prepare me and my squad for tomorrow night."
"Good. Now get some rest."
Hope you enjoyed it!
See you tomorrow!
Lots of love always
Pattybubs ❤🖤

The Red Rose [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora