Chapter 9

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Lissa immediately called for everyone to report to the courtroom. There was a whole lot of whispered conversations and confused looks. Soon we were all seated and Lissa stood up and walked to the microphone.
"Good afternoon. You are probably wondering why I called you here. I apologise for such short notice."
Lissa smiled and everyone else smiled with her. She took a deep breath and continued.
"The Red Rose and her squad decided to look into the casa of who murdered the late queen Tatiana. She and her crew managed to find some evidence and now we have discovered her killer."
Everybody gasped and looked around. Then two guardians came in and grabbed the killer that was sitting in her seat.
"Tasha Ozera, you are under arrest for murdering and for trying to frame someone else. Your sentence will be for life." Lissa's voice rang out.
Tasha protested but we showed the security footage to everyone. The evidence was there out in the open. Tasha pales and screams as she is carried out of the room.

I go back to Lissa's quarters with everyone and flop onto the couch. We all sigh in relief. It does hurt though and I can't imagine how Christian is feeling. Lissa looks up at everyone.
"Why don't we all go shopping to distract us from this?"
We all nodded in agreement. This is exactly what we needed. It has been a while since I had done some shopping.
"Oh I don't think we're gonna go. We don't really like shopping and we don't like the outside." Dan said. Phil nodded with him and kissed his cheek.
"Us too. Well stay here with Phan." Mark says and Jack snuggles into him more.
"That's fine. Then you get the job of looking after Clary. I don't want her out yet." I said.
They all said that was fine and they'd take great care of her. I trusted them with all my heart. As I went to my room to get ready, Dimitri stopped me.
"Roza, why don't you want me to look after her? I'd much rated I'd do it." he said looking a little hurt.
"Look, I need you to help me look after Lissa. Plus I still need to trust you remember? Think of this as a chance to talk together okay?" I explained.
Dimitri sighed but nodded. I thanked him and got changed into a black low cut top, black jeans and black boots. As well as a black leather jacket. (Black like my soul 🖤🖤) I also did my make up and went downstairs to find Phan and Septiplier moving any dangerous items away for Clary.
"Thank you boys. I trust that you'll take care of her and I know you'll take care of her okay?" I said.
They all smiled at me as I walked out the door. I ignored Dimitri's slightly jealous look. This is his first chance to prove himself.
The idea that Phan and Septiplier would look after Clary actually came from my best friend
So a huge thank you to her. Love you 🖤🖤🖤
In the comments I want you to tell me who you like to see the next chapters POV from. Dan, Phil, Mark or Jack. I will pick the one that gets the most votes.
So I hope you enjoyed it!
See you tomorrow!
Lots of love always,
Pattybubs ❤🖤

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