Chapter 6

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Dimitri tried to talk to me the whole ride there. Luckily, I was able to find excuses to brush him off. Everybody in the car kept trying to talk to me to avoid him asking me. I was grateful for that and I actually fell asleep at one point and I heard Dimitri sigh with annoyance.
We soon arrived at our destination. We parked a couple of meters away from there. Phan and Septiplier gave us our equipment and all went to the big car to keep an eye out for the house. Finnick and Annie helped us with our disguises and then went to separate cars so we could be have a quick getaway if necessary. We all prepared ourselves and started walking. It didn't take us long to reach the house. We crouched beneath the bushes and activated our capes to help us camouflage with our surroundings. I noticed 20 human guards patrolling the building. I quietly snuck out and signalled everyone to follow me. We surprised them and managed to take them all out quietly and quickly. We thought that it'd be safer to go through the roof rather than go through the front door. So we all shot our rope guns, made sure they were attached to something and then scaled up the house. We made it there without being spotted and quietly drilled a hole in the roof. Then we all jumped down one by one. Moving without making a sound, we placed bombs all over the inside. This took us 10 minutes and we were nearly spotted a few times. Once we were done we climbed back through the hole and got off the building. I activated the bombs which were set to go off in 30 seconds. By the time the building explodes, we are all ready with our stakes to kill the remaining Strigoi. We walked over to the flames and Tim started extinguishing the fire to help us get to the bodies. It didn't take us very long, as most of the bodies had burnt and we could easily kill the remaining. Tim, Ron, Hermione and I helped clean up the place. Soon we were back in the cars and heading back to court.

"Three cheers to the Red Rose and her squad!" Lissa cried. Everybody screamed and cheered our names. I smiled at them all. There was no better feeling like knowing that you just saved hundreds of lives.
Lissa held up her hand and everyone immediately quieted down.
"And," her voice rang,"the Red Rose has a special announcement." she then gestured her hand for me to come forward.
I stepped out to the front. I looked out to everybody and nodded.
"Hello everyone," my synthetic voice rings out, "I have come to announce that after a long discussion with my boss and the queen, my squad and I will be staying here at court permanently."
Everybody is stunned into silence. Then they break into a huge celebration. I smile and let them celebrate a little before I continue.
"My squad and I will become Lissa's permanent guardians. Her current ones will be given new assignments. We will occasionally go on missions but we will continue to return here."
Everybody is really happy at this. But then the real announcement is about to happen. I take a deep breath.
"Troops, come forward and stand in a line in front of me." I say.
They all march in front of me. Then in one swift motion, they all take off their masks. Everybody gasps at the sight off of their real faces. They turn off their voice synthesisers and introduce themselves. They all look at them with acceptance and support, including Phan and Septiplier (because whether or not they're gay shouldn't matter. It's all the same beautiful love. For me, I don't care about your gender, looks or sexuality. If you respect me, then I respect you back. Simple as that.  So if you need to talk to someone, I'm here - Pattybubs ❤🖤)           
Then they all look at me expectantly. I take a deep breath. This is it. It's time. No more running and hiding. I would finally face everybody. I turn around and take out my contacts. I pass them to Lissa and she places them in a special box. I turn of my voice synthesiser and unzip my hood. I slowly turn around and take off my hood. Everybody stares in shock. Nobody says a word. Christian, Eddie, Mia, Jill, Adrian, Sydney, my mom, Alberta, Mikhali and my squad come and stand beside me as I address everyone.
"And I am Rose Hathaway."
Hope you enjoyed it guys!
See you tomorrow!
Lots of love always,
Pattybubs  ❤🖤

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