Chapter 2

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The car ride to the airport was pleasant. Thankfully, the driver didn't try to talk to me, which is good because I was in no mood to talk. On the way, I was pulled into Lissa's head through the bond. She was in her room with everyone from before. She was sniffing and wiping her eyes with a tissue. No one was saying anything.
"We're gonna be okay guys. Rose would've wanted us to try to get on with our lives." Eddie says.
Lissa just smiles sadly and nods along with everyone else. My heart went out to her.
A loud knock at her door interrupted their thoughts. Mom went to answer it, stake at the ready. The door flew opened and my heart stopped.
It was Dimitri.
He came in and looked at everyone. I could tell by his body language that he was a bit mad.
"Where is my Roza?" he asks in a demanding voice.
Lissa suddenly gets up and walks over to him. No matter how sad she was at me leaving, she was mad at him for hurting me.
"She's gone Dimitri." she says coldly.
"What do you mean gone?" he asks angrily.
"It means that she is no longer at court. She left a while ago." Adrian said annoyed.
"Tell me where she is. I need to see her." Dimitri demands.
"No," Lissa says firmly, "no. You broke her heart and now she is gone. She's never coming back."
"I know you know where she went. Tell me now." Dimitri commanded.
"We're not gonna tell you because she doesn't want you to know." Mia said scowling.
Dimitri looked around at everyone. He must have realised that he wasn't gonna get anything out of it and said.
"Fine. If you won't tell me then I will stop at nothing to get her back." he said.
"Yeah, good luck with that." Christian says sarcastically.
Dimitri huffs and walks out the door, closing it behind him. Lissa turns and texts me:
"Did you hear what just happened?"
I respond with:
"I was in your head the entire time. Thank you for not saying anything."
"Of course. Good luck xxx"
"Thanks xxx"
I turn off my phone and look out the window. In time I will move on and learn to forgive Dimitri. Right now, I'm not ready. And I will probably never be over him.
I arrive at the airport with no trouble. I check in and as I'm waiting to board, I see someone in the distance.
Dimitri. With Tasha.
I jump and take my carry on luggage with me as I hide behind some couches. I look out to see them looking for something.
Looking for me, I realise.
"Flight L9S19A is ready for take off." an announcement comes over the speaker. I jump. This is my flight but I'm worried they'll see me. I peak over to look at them. Dimitri appears distress whilst Tasha looks like she couldn't care less. In fact she's attempting to flirt with him but he keeps brushing her off. Suddenly a man approaches me.
"Red Rose?" he whispers.
"Yes." I reply back.
"Put on this wig. They won't recognise you." he says.
I gratefully take the wig and put it on. He offers his hand and I accept it. He pulls me up. I look to see Dimitri and Tasha still searching. I hold my breath as their eyes pass over me but they don't recognise me. They give up and leave after that.
"Thank you so much. Who are you?" I ask.
"Don't mention it. I work with your dad. He wanted me to keep an eye out for you and to make sure that you get to Turkey safely. My name is Tim."
"Thank you so much Tim. Will you be on my flight?"
"Yeah I'm here to escort you. Also I'll be a part of the hunters."
"Really? Are you one of my soldiers?"
"Yes and I thought it'd be nice to help you and to get to know you so I can introduce you to everyone else. That way it won't be so awkward."
"Well it's nice to meet you Tim I'm glad that you're here." I say and I truly was.
The flight consisted of me eating and sleeping as well as getting to know my crew. Tim and I had our own little cabin in first class, thanks to my father. There were 8 others in the squad as well as Tim and myself.
Hermione - blonde curly hair, blue eyes, 20 years old
Ron - red hair, brown eyes, 20 years old
Annie - red hair, brown eyes, 21 years old
Finnick - blonde hair, blue-green eyes. 22 years old
Dan - brown hair and eyes, 22 years old
Phil - black hair, blue eyes, 26 years old.
Mark - dyed red hair, brown eyes, 27 years old
Sean - dyed green hair, blue eyes, 26 years old.
According to Tim, Ron and Hermione were together (Romione as everyone calls them), Annie and Finnick we're and item (Finnie or idk what their proper ship name is if you know please comment and tell me), Dan and Phil we're a couple (Phanf ❤️) and Mark and Sean were also a couple and they we're called Septiplier because their nicknames for each other were Markiplier and Jacksepticeye which I found adorable. They were all fairly close to my age, 19 and Tim was 20 years old. He reminded me a little of Justin Timberlake in terms of looks and he was very sweet. I found myself growing comfortable around him.

We eventually landed in Turkey and found my dad their near his car. I decided to run up and give me a hug.
"Thank you for this old man, it's nice to see you." I say.
"I'm glad Red and it's nice to see you get along with Tim. I'm sorry for what Dimitri did to you. Your mother explained it to me. Did you tell Tim?" he asks.
"I did. And he was very nice about it."
"Good because I told your squad about what happened. Do you mind?"
"No because I would've told them anyways. You just made my job easier." I said.
"Great. Let's go." he said pulling us into the car.

After a long drive we arrive in an underground house. It's large and modern, much like a normal house. We park the car in the large garage and get out. Dad takes us through a long and wide hallway before leading us to a large and spacious living room. I can hear chatter coming from a large sitting room which stops once we enter. We all step in to find my squad. I hesitate a little and Dad steps forward.
"Everyone, I want you to meet your leader, my daughter Rose." he introduces me.
They all get up and greet me with a hug. Then they all sit down and Dad makes an excuse to leave, letting me take the spotlight.
"Okay. Well. Hi everyone. I'm Rose but I'm not allowed to go by that name anymore so nobody can detect me so you made call me Captain, Captain Red, Red or Red Rose." I start off with.
They all nod their heads in acceptance and they look at me with such kind eyes it makes my heart flutter.
"So I read your profiles on the plane here so I am aware of who's dating who and what you're like. I can't wait to get to know you and I hope we can all be friends. You all know that I'm best friends with the last living Dragomir and I am. I really would love for you to meet her and for us all to be friends. She would love you guys. Thank you for being so accepting of me."
They all look at me with joy in their eyes and they look delighted to be with me.
"Now I will be the one training you. I will be harsh and I will push you. I can be tough but I do have limits. I want us all to be at our very best. We will have to do other things than knowing how to kill like going under cover at parties but I can help you with that. I can be scary at times but I will try to control that. As you know I died in the car crash a couple of years ago which killed Lissa's parents and brother. Lissa did bring me back from the dead and that is what forged our bond. I can think and feel what she is feeling but not the other way around. This also means I absorb the darkness she gets when she uses her spirit powers. I hope you guys are okay with that.
They look a little scared but there was determination in their eyes and I was proud of that.
We stayed up that night talking to each other and getting to know one another. However, at 11:30pm we decided to go to bed as we'd have a long day of training tomorrow. Before I went I called Lissa. She was okay and I told her about my squad, Tim and how I saw Dimitri and Tasha look for me. She was a bit worried at them looking for me but she and I both knew that I wouldn't be discovered now that my dad was hiding me. Lissa was doing alright and I promised to call her everyday. She was happy at that and with that she hang up and I felt her happiness through the bond.
I took some time to myself then. This was the start of my new life and I was excited. I was ready for anything. I was no longer Rosemarie Hathaway. I was the Red Rose.

Yay! I'm so glad I got to update today again. Also what do you think of the other squad members. I hope you like them. See you tomorrow
Lots of love always,
Pattybubs ❤️

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