Chapter 4

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I wake up after along flight. The plane has just landed and we're collecting our luggage to put in the black cars that have come to collect us. Lissa has sent Eddie and Mikhali to collect us. Since they both know it's me, I run and give them a hug.
"I've missed you guys so much. Are you okay?" I whisper.
"We're fine Red. It's nice to see you." Eddie says.
"You're looking good Red." Mikhali grins.
I smile. I'm wearing black head to toe. Everything is covered but there are places where I can breathe and my lips are the only thing that isn't covered in black and I have my voice synthesiser on. Not a hair is on my head is showing and my rainbow contacts are in place.
We all get in the cars and drive off. The trip is long but not bad. Soon I see the familiar buildings of court. My heart aches a little and I smile. I've missed this place.
I notice that Lissa is outside and is surrounded by her guardians. All the residents of court including the press are there as well, hoping to catch a glimpse of me. I look at back at all my troops. They're all wearing their disguises as well, except my top has a red rose on it. The cars park in front of everyone and the cameras start flashing. Eddie and Mikhali get out and let us out of the cars. We all step out and form our special huddle with me in the front. Some Moroi come forward and take our bags that are to be brought to our rooms. Then it's just my squad and the citizens of court. Lissa steps forward and her guardians follow her.
"Red Rose. A true honour to see you in person. We will let you unpack and explore your rooms before getting down to business." Lissa says in her most formal voice. I can feel through the bond her excitement though at seeing me and Zara is also controlling her feelings.
"Thank you. I shall introduce you to my squad. This is Ginger (Ron) Book (Hermione), Trident (Finnick) Water (Annie), Llama (Dan), Lion (Phil), Freddy (Mark), Happy Wheels (Jack) and T (Tim - I did so well with the other references and then this bc I ran out of ideas)." I say.
They all give their polite hellos as we set off for our rooms. As we're walking my eyes pass Dimitri and Tasha. They're looking at me in awe and wonder. I just let my eyes slide over them and continue walking.
We all reach our massive room and take in the sight. It's literally like Lissa's suite for her queen status which is probably why she gave it to us. I also notice that it is very close to Lissa's quarters which is very clever on her part.
I order everyone to unpack and rest before we all go down. I hear a knock at my door and I find Lissa, Christian, Eddie, Mia, Adrian with his new human girlfriend Sydney whom I've come to trust and is now my friend, Jill and my mom. They all come in all formal but when the door closes they engulf me in a big hug. I decide to take off my mask but keep the synthesiser on to make sure no one can recognise my voice.
"Oh Red, it's been too long. I've missed you!" Lissa says, nearly in tears.
"I've missed you so much as well." I say.
We pull away and I go get my bag that has new gifts from the last place I was at which was Hawaii. Everybody gets some clothes and Zara gets a bracelet as well.
"Thank you Aunty Red." she says and flings her arms around me.
I smile back and give her a hug. As I pull out I hear a knock at my door. We all freeze a little and I rush to put my mask back on.
"Just a minute!" I call out. Once Finnick and Annie have checked that my hair is secure, I go to open the door.
I stiffen a little at the sight.
It's Dimitri. With Tasha behind him. 
Hope you enjoyed that.
See you tomorrow!
Lots of love always,

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