Chapter 14

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We jumped out of our seats. I knew that we couldn't waste a second of our time. Tasha had to be captured. Alberta saw her on the security footage. She flinched but resolved her guardian persona quickly. As we were all making a dash for the grand hall to tell everyone the news, Dimitri started talking to me.

"Why? Why would she do that?" he questioned.

"She wants me dead Dimitri because she wants you. She has always loved you but you have refused her because you want me. That's why she's working with the Strigoi and why she killed Tatiana." I explained.

A look of pain flashed across his face. I knew it wasn't his fault. It was no ones' really.

Lissa made her way through the doors and immediately everyone in there stopped talking and rose at her presence. She made her way to the podium and nodded for everyone to sit.

"Good afternoon everyone. I have some important news to tell you." she addressed the crowd.

Everyone fidgeted in their seats nervously as they anxiously awaited the news.

"As you are aware, we found that the killer of our beloved Queen Tatiana. However, it has come to my attention that she has escaped prison."

They all gasped at the news. Looks of fear flashed across the pale faces of the Moroi.

"Not only this, but the Red Rose and her squad have discovered that she is also working for the Strigoi. This is also proven by the fact that the men who helped her escape are working for them as well."

"My squad and I are leaving tonight. We plan to go after her and kill her. It is the only way. She knows to much." I told her.

They all looked at us with respect, which I appreciated. I opened my mouth to speak when the screen behind us came to life. Tasha's face appeared.

"Hello everyone," she said grinning wickedly.

Everyone screamed a little and backed away further. Tasha laughed and continued.

"You can try and catch me. But you'll never find me. And now I know who the Red Rose is. The Strigoi will be so happy. I will be their queen!" she gave everyone a crazy smile.

No one said anything. No one dared to breathe.

"But, the Strigoi want to kill our dear Queen Vasilisa. So I am going to give you a chance to save her." she said.

"Tell me now." I demanded.

Tasha smirked. "All I'm asking for you Rose. Give yourself up, and I will make sure no harm will come to those you love and everyone at court. You will surrender to my men and you will become one of us. You have 2 days" then the screen went black.

I was too shocked to say anything. I turned away from the screen to face everyone. They were looking at me. I was the one that could save them. I was their only hope.

I stepped forward towards the microphone.

"I will give myself up to the Strigoi. I-"

"Rose no!" Lisa cut me off, "please no!".

"I want you to be safe," I continued like she didn't say anything, "I can't let you die."

Lissa was crying now. She ran and gave me a hug. I hugged her back, trying to withhold my tears.

"But I have a plan," I say. Lissa looked at me confused, " I am the Red Rose after all, and I don't go down without a fight. I am trained to be prepared for any situation. So expect to see me again in my usual form." I smiled.

Lissa was looking at me with wide eyes. I turned to my squad, who were looking at me expectantly. They knew what they were doing.

"Guys, get the serum ready." I said.

So sorry I didn't update yesterday. It was Christmas and I was exhausted. But I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday.
Hope you enjoyed it!
See you tomorrow!
Lots of love always,
Pattybubs ❤🖤

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