Chapter 2

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Warmth encases me and snuggle in closer while taking a deep whiff of the sweet smell. This would never work in the forest, I would be dead before I could get up to defend myself. Finally opening my eyes, they instantly fall onto a sleeping Skye lying next to me. Her alarm blaring a very loud obnoxious ringing. 

I didn't want to wake this sleeping angel up but if she goes to school she has to go. "Skye get up! You have school today!" Her mom shouted, feet pounding up the stairs. I whimpered trying to get my owner up now knowing what her mother will do to her. I licked her face and cheeks and arms.

Will you just get up already! She moaned, grabbing me and tucking me under her arms. I take a deep whiff of her heavenly scent. Before her door busted open and her mom stood there with a scowl on her face. 

"Skye Harper get your lazy butt up and get ready for school!" She yelled throwing the blankets off and revealing me. I shrink back into her arms but much to my dismay, I could not hide from the wrath of this petite woman.

"What the he- why is there a fox is my house?" She scowled at Skye. I whimpered licking at her face. Please don't make me leave!

She giggled pushing me away. "Stop it Kai I'm awake ok." She sat up wiping her face with a smile.

"Again I ask why that fox is in my house!" Her mother shouted angrily. Her eyes lit up with with hidden anger as she put her hands on her hips with a cocked brow. Skye picks me up and shoves me in her moms face. I tuck my tail in between my legs and pray she doesn't snatch me from her arms. 

"You said I could have a dog."

"I said a dog not a fox."

Skye gave her mom puppy dog eyes that made her look incredibly adorable. I immediately started to swoon at her beautiful eyes. Her mother face softens immediately and her stern resolves disappears. 

"Fine you can keep it but your responsible he shits in the house and if he shows any signs of aggression he is going back."

Hopping to the ground, I walk down the stairs where there is a doggy door already installed and relieve myself on the grass. I instantly feel better as the heavy pressure on my bladder lets up. If  I take up the role as a housebroken pet, I will not have to return to the forest where I was barely surviving. 

She chuckled petting by fur. "Well I guess he's potty trained."

She gave a half smile. "Now go get ready for school." She carried me to her room where she put me on my bed and fixed me food and water.

While I ate she went to take a shower and came out with a towel wrapped around her torso. She went in her walk in closet and sadly come out fully clothed. Is that their school uniforms? A bit scandalous if you ask me. She had on a green and red skirt that stopped just above the knee and a blue long sleeve shirt that cuffed around the wrist with a red tie. Although she did look very attractive in it. 

"Bye little buddy I have to go."

She ruffled my fur and walked downstairs. I followed her out and into the kitchen. She grabbed a granola bar out of the cabinet and waved to me where she got in her car and drove away. A part of me missed her already, pain erupted in my chest but I forced myself to let her go. 

"Ok little Kai I'm off don't destroy the house while I'm gone." Skye's Mom said petting my fur. She grabbed her brief case and coat while holding her phone in the other hand.

She closed the door and locked it. I peeked through the doggy door and saw she had dropped her wallet. I quickly went grab it and bring it to her. I pawed at her car and whined. She rolled her window down, "Thank you Kai."

I ran back in the doggy door and watched her leave. What do I do now?  Both of my owners are gone and now I have nothing to do. Sighing I went up to Skye's room and hopped on her bed. I closed my eyes while inhaling her scent with a deep whiff.




"Kai I'm home!" Skye! She's back. I immediately jump up and run to her.

"Where are you little buddy?" Concern rose with every word that slipped past her beautiful lips. My god this house is so confusing. Turning another corner I spotted her, in seconds I was in her arms. My tail wagging like a happy puppy. I couldn't help it, I missed her more than I should. As I made contact with her, I sigh when the pain in my chest is relieved.

"Well I see you miss me." She laughs kissing my fur sending pleasurable sparks throughout my body. She looked at me with wide eyes as though she felt it to. She mumbled some incoherent things before shaking her head and smiling at me.

"You hungry boy?" At the sound of food my stomach rumbled. She laughed carrying me to the kitchen and setting me on a stool. She took out two plastic bowls and filled one with fish and another with spaghetti.

"Come on boy." She grabbed both bowls and I followed her to the living room. She put the bowls on the ground and turned on the tv. 

"Ahh the avengers is on, I love this movie." She squealed. She pushed the bowl of fish in front of me and started eating her spaghetti. I nudged her with my muzzle as thank you and started eating. She smiled at me then turned to the tv. "Oo captain is fine, what I would do to that man if he was mine." She said dreamily. Why did this upset me so much?

I growled at that. Nope she is mine and no one else's! Wait woah where did that come from. Well I mean she is technically my owner but it's not like she'll date her pet. Unless I shift back. How would I speak to her, I cannot just come up to her as a stranger. One step at a time Kai. But I can't do that. I've been in my fox form so long it would take hours for me to shift back. Maybe I can't shift tonight so my next shift will be easier.

Then it's settled I'm shifting tonight.



Original date: January 15, 2018

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