Chapter 14 - I feel it coming

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I reached my flat and stood there with a stupid smile on my face and recollecting today. It was such an unexpected day and I loved each bit of it. I don't know how my time passed by me standing in front of door. After what seems like ages, the door flew open and reveal Ana with confusion etched on her face. I hugged her so tightly and didn't let that stupid smile go from my face.

"Well, I need to breath air in order to live and listen to the reason behind your crazy behaviour ", she choked.

I let her go and went inside the house. I was feeling so happy, so over the moon that I ignored everything she was asking. I went to kitchen, made myself a coffee and then I was ready for Ana's interrogation.

"So, what's with you today!"

"What! First of all tell me why you left me alone after class?"

"Because Prof. Stone wanted to talk to you."

"Yeah that asshole. Oops, my mistake." I chuckled.

"Pri, are you alright? Are you drunk? What did that brat did to you?"

"Jeez, calm down Ana. He's very sweet and don't think so lowly of him. And I'm not drunk."

"Yeah, sue me but Princy Sebert cursing a teacher. Not a daily view."

"Not every teacher try to hit me. Okay!"

"What the fuck. That professor stone, I'm gonna kill him."

"Don't. Let him live."

"That's all?"

"Yeah, that's all." I sat quietly sipping my coffee and scrolling through my feeds.

"Are you sure that you are not missing an important update which I'm sure has to do with that creepy smile on your face." Ana deadpan.

"Jeez Ana. How did you knew it! You are a total genius", I exclaimed.

"It was very difficult at first but as you know my brain, I figured it out". She snickered.

"Eh okay. Well, today after you ditched me, I met Drew and he took me to the carnival," I stated.

"This doesn't explain why are you so happy", she raises her eyebrow. Gosh, she should be in FBI or something.

"I was coming on that part. You are rushing things. So we were enjoying ourselves and we had a game where I helped him to win against me", I smiled at the memory.

"You lost and still you are smiling. I swear it's not the Princy I knew. What have you done to her and where is she!", she shouted.

"See, I'm here in front of you. If you keep your mouth shut then you may get to know the reason", I stated.

"Continue please. I wanted to know what made Pri dumber than before", Ana giggled.

"Hey, I'm not dumb", I pouted, " and then we had a silly bet that whoever wins will ask anything from loser and then we went to the giant wheel."

"Still you are missing something very important. What did he asked you to do?"

"Eh..... he... well, we.... wekissedatthetopoftheferriswheel", I finished.

"Whoa! Slow down girl. What did you say?", she thought and when she realised what I said, her eyes were widened, " Is this true?"

I nodded slowly and Ana burst, "Princy you had your first kiss today. Did he forced you? Oh god, last thing I wanted is someone stealing your first kiss. I had that experience and its waste. Tell me something, why are you so quite! I want DETAILS."

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