CH 13: Fumes & Fiestiness

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The different categories of people were all there from the senior jocks to the hot cheerleaders and the other variations of rich kids and then you had my clique which was isolated from those groups seated at the end of the table.

The inevitable part of the day where all the judgement was gonna be thrown at me and I was prepared to face them head on. My brother ignored total eye contact since he was submerged in a hand wrestling match with a few of his buddies. He was never a fan of sibling drama especially in school. Marcus however was trying way too hard to get my attention that he was flirting with the second most stuck up cheerleader.

Jealousy- the most cliche move used to try and get a girl. Too bad for him I couldn't care less.

I watched Marcus whisper something into Tiana's ear making her giggle into his shoulder. This was the lowest point in his life that I'd seen him reach, it was quite sad actually.

"I see someone's going through a phase," Tiana said loudly glancing at all the other cheerleaders making an awkward face while a few of them snickered as she leaned back into Marcus's arm.

"Yeah, a hot phase," one of the boy's hollered from their table earning a glare from Morgan.

Diverting my attention from Jay's fascinating story of how she'd seen a clown standing in the middle of the road last night that a few of us had been listening intently to I shot her a pitiful look.

"And I see someone's gotten a new weave," I batted my eyelashes tightening my high pony tail mimicking her awkward face. The boys put their fists to their mouths to stifle their laughs while the girls tried hard not to smile. Even though that was a little mean she kinda deserved it.

She stood up abruptly leaving the table feeling self conscious of her hair making Marcus swear under his breath just to follow after her. Nibbling my cheese covered fries ,Abbie strode over to the group with Winnie close at her heels, her eyes narrowed like a viper's. I had to bite back a retort as she looked me over, her nose crinkled with disgust.

Yup. She was still definitely pissed at me for taking a rain check yesterday. If only she knew whom I'd been with that would have been a whole other story that I prayed she wouldn't uncover because the last thing I needed were more false rumours.

Winnie nodded towards me indicating that the plan was all set and in action. Abbie took her seat closer to me siding Jay and I in disdain. Groaning loudly I put my heels up on the table stretching my long legs out. Snapping her fingers she asked another one of the girls to get her a salad. She still hadn't uttered a word at me which was very rare.

Did I also mention that her tray was always served first and kept separate from the other students since she was a germ a phobic which was a total lie but it made her feel like royalty any way.

Winnie used that opportunity to slip some spices that triggered her allergic reactions causing her skin to breakout into rashes. Don't get me wrong my first thought was giving her diarrhoea but Winnie wasn't noble enough for such a task so this had to do.

"Can you sluts see calluses appearing?" She asked Winnie and the other girls examining her nails still unfazed.

The girls shook their heads tossing fake compliments about how she had the smoothest palms.

"What do you think?" She turned to me switching her hands blinking continuously.

"I think you should be more worried about the folds on your neckline." I shrugged my shoulders. By now the conversation had become more private.

She looked stunned like everyone else before laughing it off. "She does speak. So what? You think a leather jacket and a few insults makes you count as an actual threat? Oh get to have this day but don't show up again like that unless you want to make a total fool out of yourself." She stated with a victorious smirk pinned on her face.

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