Chapter 12: I'm Sorry

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--Louis xx Pov--

Something was off, something is really wrong; I can’t point it out; I look at the sleeping figure right next to me, Harry. I can’t believe Harry is willing to try out our relationship again but why do i still have this nagging feeling that something is really wrong. I stood up carefully to not wake Harry up, I reached for my phone a reminder was posted when i opened it.

Lottie Tomlinson’s birthday It’s my sister’s birthday today, i almost forgot about it, I press the call button

Ring, Ring, Ring ... No one was picking up, I try again for 5 times but still no answer, I feel sick, something is definitely wrong. I dress up quickly, trying to make it quiet to not wake harry up but i failed when i saw him stir up and look at me with a confused expression

“Good Morning Harry” I said nervously, i played with my hands waiting for him to say something “Where are you going?” I looked up seeing him standing up and made his way towards me, his tall figure almost shadowing my height “It’s my sister’s birthday and well she’s not picking her phone up and I’m worried about her so I’m going to go to my parent’s house today”  

I said he flinched when i said parent’s house, what’s up with him? “Um are you sure you want to go?” He asks nervously shuffling for his clothes and quickly putting them on before making his way to me swinging an arm around me, both of us walked downstairs “Yes why, you want to come with me?” I ask

He nodded but he didn’t look happy “Aw don’t be nervous Harry I’m sure my parents will love you” I said he chuckled nervously and he grabbed my hand walking us both out of the door “Nervous? I guess” He said unsure of what to do

We ran towards the village my parents lived we passed a park ... it was awfully familiar, We ran to the front of my house seeing police surrounding it, my heart quickened, what happened? I thought to myself as we made our way to one of the police officers “Sir, you’re not allowed here” the police officer said

I shook my head “I’m Louis Tomlinson, My parents live here, what happened? Where are they?” I ask he looked at me with sad eyes and looked at harry with worry “I’m sorry for your loss Mr. Tomlinson but we found your parents and your sisters dead, all of them drained out of their blood, your sisters necks were snapped”


I run towards my house seeing what i was afraid of seeing, there they was the same postion as what Harry and I left them. I can’t believe it I killed my family, the people that keeps the only human feeling inside me ... I’m now a monster.

“I’m sorry Louis” Harry said, Harry he knew about this I snap my head towards him “Is that why you apologized and started to be nice to me again, because you knew i did this” I said gesturing at my parents, my eyes were blurry from the tears he hugged me, I tried my hardest to get out of his grip but it was no use, I was weak, I was hurt ... everything is now gone.

“I didn’t know Louis, I promise I didn’t when you killed your mom I saw the family picture but it was too late i already killed your dad I couldn’t stop you because you were hungry, you can’t even see them clearly because of how hungry you are, I’m sorry Louis I’m really sorry”

I slap him in the face and punched him in the stomach, his jaw, his face every part of his body, I was angry, angry at him and myself, I knew my punches were like small needles to him but I didn’t care, I hate myself, I hate living, I don’t want this, I don’t want to live a life with a memory of me killing my whole family.

He hugged me again, this time i wasn’t having it, I run, I run far away ... far away from everyone, where i will be alone, i need some time to think, I need to figure this out, before i might do something i will regret forever.

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