Chapter 10: Who are you?

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Chapter 10: Who are you?

--Louis xx Pov –

It was dark, cold and it smelled bad, so bad that i wanted to puke, but all i did was stand there alone in the darkness

I was in pain earlier but it subside all of a sudden, I don’t remember everything but i do remember that Harry turned me into a vampire and Niall is dead and that Zayn helped us

everything was a blur, i can feel the pain the sudden urge to rip my lungs out, to cough everything inside me, to just ... die.

I closed my eyes waiting for something to happen, suddenly there was a loud ringing sound piercing through my ears, i covered my ears and screamed for it to stop

it didn’t stop it only grew louder and much louder, i felt like my whole body was in pain, i couldn’t see anything with my eyes still closed, the only thing i hear was a ringing sound.

And then it stopped “Louis...” A voice said beside me that feels like Eleanor’s voice, I missed her voice, i missed everyone

I opened my eyes, to see Ashton, Calum, Liam and Eleanor around the bed i was laying at, Luke and Michael was tying up Zayn on a pole, Harry, I couldn’t find Harry

“Where’s Harry?” I asked

that’s when i felt it, i felt my whole throat throbbing inside, i was thirsty, I grabbed the water bottle that Eleanor was holding and drank it, i felt calm but i can still feel the sandpaper feeling in my throat, it wouldn’t stop... i whimpered at the pain in my throat and tried coughing it up

Liam offers me a cup of red liquid, i squint at it, realizing it was not just red liquid it was blood, I tried so hard to not grab it from his hands, but i couldn’t control myself i grabbed it and gulped it down i threw the cup on the wall, i feel like crying and so i did, what was happening to me?

Calum hugged me hard and said incoherent words i couldn’t understand “Louis ... I’m sorry, but do you remember what happened?” at the minute he asked that i completely remembered ... Harry turned me, I’m no longer human, I’m a vampire.

The thought hits me hard and i cried harder in Calum’s arms, they all looked at me in pity, why wouldn’t they ... my whole world is gone, i can never go back to being normal ever again

i can never go back to see my family ever again, I can ... but i will be too scared that i might end up hurting them, I wouldn’t want that.

I calmed myself down realizing crying doesn’t solve anything, i look around and saw Zayn crying silently from where he is tied up, I stood up “Where’s Harry?” I asked them, they all looked at me with sad eyes “Louis we need to explain something to you” Liam said, I gulped i know this will be bad.

They sat me down and as soon as Liam started with a sentence “Harry doesn’t remember you” I cried, They explained how a vampire that is bit with another vampire that isn’t there mate, loses their memory and their mate dies but i didn’t die

Harry turned me before i could die, but no one could save his memories, now all of the great memories we had are now gone.

I stood up knowing i need to at least try and talk to Harry maybe some miracle will happen and he’ll remember me


Louis silently walked to Harry’s room, Harry was confused himself, all of his friends, yes friends that’s how he remembers them keeps asking him if he remembered what happened, and to be honest Harry didn’t and as soon as Harry saw Louis walk in his room he was more confused

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