Chapter 2: Hi I'm Harry --- and I'm Zayn

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Imagine harry saying his signature “Hi, I’m Harry” in his slow raspy voice that makes Louis melt

And Zayn saying his name as “It’s Zen” but still look 300M times hotter than the whole universe’s population

Love Vampire 

^_^       ^-^        ^_^        ^-^       ^_^      ^-^      ^_^

--Harry xx Pov —

As i approach him, i stare at him and tried to read his thoughts, there was only static i don’t know why that is happening but i hate it, he’s like the boy version of Bella swan ... ick that movie took vampires into a new level of chick flicks, it’s not even realistic, I’m the only one who thinks of that though. He turns around, and for the first time i get to see his face up close, he’s beautiful... I don’t know what I’m feeling right now, but i know it’s not normal.

“Hi, I’m Harry” I said to him using the voice i lure my prey with, i attract them and pretend to like them and when the time is right and if my strength is low, I’ll finally kill them. He smiles shyly and stands up in front of me offering his hand “I’m Louis, Nice to meet you Harry” He said with that voice that sounded like it came from something so beautiful, i want him to talk to me, always. Wait... what are you doing Harry, he’s your prey.

“Well, I just want to welcome you here at Verdana and we hope you won’t get outcasted because you’re the only human here, who has no powers, therefore being defenceless to any kind of harm that can be put to you from now on.” I said smirking , his smile drops and sits down again on his seat, “He’s not defenceless , he has us” Perrie said shooting glares at me, Danielle palms her hands getting ready to use her powers against us, I just laughed.

“Haha, you do know a fairy doesn’t have effect on us, and i didn’t mean it in a bad way though, i just want Louis here to be aware to what he had put himself into.” I smile at Louis, again his eyes shown nothing but happiness and... Curiosity?. I slip my number on Louis hands touching them for a second, this may seem cliché but i felt static that went from my hands to my back sending shivers down my spine, what the hell. I turn around and give him one last look and a wink, leaving him dumbfounded.

“Hey Harry!” Zayn called us back to our table, he looked behind me and eyed Louis, i let out a growl, which made Niall and Zayn furrow their eyebrows... I don’t know why i did that but, i felt ... weird somehow it felt like ... Jealousy? , no, that can’t be maybe it’s because i need Louis to be my next Victim that’s why I’m protective.

“So is that the new guy ... ummm... Louis Tomlinson, is his name right?” Zayn asked I nodded while drinking the water “He’s Hot” Zayn blurted out making me spit take my water and also growled at him “What the F*ck Zayn!?!” He stand in front of me not even afraid of my tone “What!?!?!” He shouted back

I looked around and everyone was looking at us, I grabbed Zayn out of the cafeteria and dragged him to the empty classroom “What the F*ck is wrong with what i said!?! .... I said the truth didn’t I, I know even YOU find him attractive” He said to me, I thumped his chest making him smirk, he knows that he’s right ... I do find him attractive “It’s not that Zayn, He’s my next victim for god sakes you can’t really have a crush on my food” He growled his fur became visible in both of his arms.

In this case, I’m scared ... He’s a werewolf, and well we are kind of powerless to werewolves ... well i am, because i feel drained, i need blood. “You can’t drink from him harry ... I find him attractive and I’m going to go at him, please find someone else” I growled making him look at me with Golden eyes, any minute now... if i anger him more ... he’ll turn. I sat down and took a deep breath, So much for having a good meal.

“Fine, go get him” I said to him finally smiling making him smile back and hugged me, tightly ... too tight. In a flash he was gone.... but i have this really insane feeling right now, that maybe just maybe ... I do not want Louis as my Prey.... but something else, i can’t pin point it ... I shrug it off and went straight outside of the school ... I don’t want to be here to see Zayn ... making a move on my prey... was my prey.

--Zayn xx Pov— (new Pov yey!)

I approach Louis and i couldn’t help stare at his face, the way his and cheeks crinkles when he laughs, it’s adorable ... i don’t know why but i really feel this attraction to him, and i don’t want to screw this up ... not like what  happened to me and Niall ... i don’t want to think about that for now.

I stand a few feet away from him, I’m sure he already knows what creature i am, i hope he doesn’t mind, He looks at me and smiles ... and i knew, I’m going to love this boy, “Hi I’m Zayn” I said to him offering my hand, He grips it tightly and he furrowed his eyebrows while looking at it, did i do something wrong? Perhaps different? ... He smiles again “I’m Louis” He said, letting go of my hand.

I already miss his touch ... “Well, Louis, I bet your friends here already gave you the introduction, but would you mind if i ask you to come with me, I’ll tour you around the school, and maybe hang out back at my flat?” I asked him, He blushes when i hear the 4 angels forcing him to say yes, I just stare at him.... And there is something odd about him, but it’s not the bad kind of odd, just ... odd, if that made any sense?

“Umm, Sure” He said shyly as we exchange numbers I told him to wait for my text that I’m just going to get the Motorbike. I pass an alley on my way to my motorbike, i see Harry ... killing another victim. I left him alone, i know it’s hard to kill people to live, and i understand him completely ... i wish somehow i could help.

I grab my Bike and drive in front of the school gates as i wait for Louis, he comes out holding his head tightly, as he approach me i can now clearly see his face masked in pain “Louis, are you alright? “ He shakes his head and muttered a no, I help him climb in and i drove fast to my flat “Sorry, Louis but with whatever is happening to you, i can’t take you touring, mind as well rest here” I said as i unlock the door

The minute i opened the door and i stepped inside i heard a loud thud

I turn around to see Louis.... Laying on the floor muttering different languages

I quickly grab him and ran wolf speed in my room, dialling Liam, He’s a witch... He also knows how to deal with this stuff. He answered after 3 rings “Liam, Go to my house now, Louis needs help” He hang up and i knew he is going to be here any minute

“Louis, Hold on, ok?” I said while holding his hand tightly ... I’m worried that someone did this to him, if someone did, then I’ll be sure they never do it again ... or breath ever again.

“Zayn ...” He says as i hear the door opened with a bang

I turn around and see...


HELLO! Long time no see, I’m sorry i was SUPER late in updating this, because 1. I started my 2nd semester in uni! 2. I was in the hospital because my father is sick, and i won’t leave him alone 3.slow fucking internet

So i hope you like this : ) If you do please click the star button above or if you haven’t updated your app yet ... it’s the button that says vote (don’t worry i haven’t updated mine too ... bc it’s lagging too much)

And please comment what you like in this story or what should i improve on? (I’m pretty sure my grammar isn’t the best, and also my English, its bc English isn’t my native language as some of you might call it)

Oh and please follow me on tumblr ==== i post Larry pics edits fanfics and more (mostly rants and opinions) and you can ask me random shit ... more random more awesome

So yeah that’s it.. sorry for the long authors note ... if u read the whole entire thing then im giving you a *virtual hug* oh  and here’s a Louis Tomlinson ...

BYE! –Jamila x

Love Vampire - A Larry Stylinson Vampire Fanfic --Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat