Chapter 4: Calming Kiss

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The next music video will be Midnight Memories so excited for it ... I hope we get some Larry, Even a subtle stare would be enough, that’s how powerful their love is ... it’s amazing

Love Vampire 

^_^       ^-^        ^_^        ^-^       ^_^      ^-^      ^_^

— Louis xx Pov —

After that interesting day i went home and got asked too many questions from Eleanor, She is nice, but when she’s worried she can get a little protective, and annoying, I wouldn’t blame her for it i mean i would be protective and annoying too if my best friend who i see as a brother is reported to be sick in some random guys house on the first day of school ... and of course, do not forget the news about being “not a normal human”.

After answering what feels like a thousand questions, I went to my room and sleep, only to be woken up by a strange noise outside ... me being in the same village as mythical creatures can make you a little bit paranoid at times, but somehow i feel safe because i know i have some sort of power that could detect danger. It’s a weird yet an amazing feeling.

I got downstairs and went to the back of the house, i saw someone sitting on the grass, I focus really hard to see their aura, it is silver, a vampire. I went closer to it, and saw Niall Horan looking at the woods behind our house. I tried to be cautious and back away from him, but unluckily i tripped and fell, making a noise. His head shifted my way and i felt scared.

“HI” He says, i furrow my eyebrows at him he’s the one who got me the headache in the first place, i didn’t actually explain it, but he’s the one who said mean things to me that made me so angry and frustrated that my head ached, therefore resulting on me finding out interesting stuff on Zayn’s house. “Hi?” I said hesitantly

“So, Louis I heard that you are not a defenceless human after all, you are indeed special” He said looking at me with black eyes ... black? I nod not knowing what he wants me to say, i don’t want him getting on my nerves again, i just don’t want to hold a grudge on him, just because of what he said to me, he doesn’t even know me that well so i shouldn’t get offended to what he said to me. But i still don’t like Niall though.

I sat beside him, a few feet away from him just in case, and looked at the trees in the woods enjoying the silence of the night, until he breaks it. “I’m here for a reason, and that reason have something to do with you and Harry” He says looking at me straight in the eyes “I don’t want you to come near Harry, I don’t want him near you ... ever, if i get to see the two of you together alone, you will not wake up ever again once you fall asleep, you understand?”  He says

I gulped “Yes”  I said , he smiles and shifts his way closer to me, “If i find out that one of you or both of you falls in love with one another you will never get to see sunlight ever again” He says and left. Well ... this is officially the worst and best day i had so far, and it’s only my first day. I got up to my room and continued to sleep. I hope i have a less bad day tomorrow.

Morning -------

“Louis wake up there’s somebody outside waiting for you ... i think he said his name was Zayn?” Eleanor said making me jolt awake, I quickly thank her and went to the bathroom and fixed myself, I looked at the mirror and saw i have a scar at the side of my neck where did that come from? I shrug it off and dressed in dark blue skinny jeans and black shirt and put my hair up away from my face, change isn’t bad i guess.

I quickly ate got my backpack and saw Zayn in our front porch smoking a cigarette, i went closer  “Hi Zayn” I said making him shift his way to me and smiled, there is some weird distant feeling I’m getting from him, i still don’t know why “Ready to go to school?” He asked and I nod “Why are you going to accompany me to school anyways?” I asked while we walk to his bike, he chuckles.

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