Chapter 3: What is he?

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Happily and Strong compliments each other, try putting her/she in every him/he harry sings in happily ... you’ll definitely see a Larry story ... do it.

Oh and PS: this isn’t going to be a twilight kind of book, it’s very far from that ok?

Love Vampire 

^_^       ^-^        ^_^        ^-^       ^_^      ^-^      ^_^

--Zayn xx Pov—

I turn around and see Liam, holding a big bag of medical stuff ... he approaches Louis and pats my back ... he wanted me to go out, but i didn’t, i was worried... he shrug my stubbornness off and went to check up on Louis, what could possibly be wrong with him? ... i hope it’s nothing bad.

“Louis?” Liam asked Louis who was now fluttering his eyes open, he smiled slightly and looked confused ... he stared at me still with that confused look. “Why does Zayn have a glowing yellow light surrounding him?” He asked. I looked around me to find no glowing yellow light “Um, Louis There is no glowing yellow light surrounding me” I said, I am now completely worried for him.

His eyes stared at me wide eyed and looked at Liam “Louis ... you fainted when you arrived here at Zayn’s place, maybe you ate something that is giving you these hallucinations” Liam said with a hint of worry in his tone. He shakes his head “I am telling the truth there is light surrounding you, the both of you, Liam just have this purple one ... while Zayn has the yellow one”

Liam looks at Louis and mutters something; it’s probably a spell... “He’s saying the truth Zayn...” Liam said looking at me worriedly “Maybe it’s the reason why the school accepted him, maybe he has this power to detect auras or something” I said ... I hope it’s just some power, I don’t want anything that will hurt Louis ... I sound like a clingy girlfriend, eh ... I don’t mind, I’m just worried.

“Yeah, Maybe” Louis said tiredly “You should rest for a bit Louis, Zayn will be here when you wake up” Liam said patting Louis’ head and waving for me to go outside, I glance at Louis who seem to send me a small smile before he went to sleep.

I follow Liam outside to the kitchen; he sat across me and stared at me “What?” I ask him, I’m getting creeped out by his stare “You better not be the reason why Louis has this defence system Zayn” He said in a monotone voice “I’m pretty sure i just want to ask him out, not hurt him or something like --- wait, what do you mean defence system?” I ask Liam worriedly.

“I put a spell on Louis to tell me what was wrong with his body, he isn’t sick or hurt, his body just transformed into defence mode ... ok let me explain” He said, nodding my head for him to go on.

“As “Mythical creatures” we have this intended powers that we can use in any way we can, but the only thing that we are supposed to be using it upon is for defence, everyone, i mean everyone including humans have defence mechanisms, or powers given from birth, or at least from the person that turned you into one creature, but one time one vampire used his power for revenge, that vampire killed his human wife, some say the wife still had a baby inside her when that happened, but that’s just a rumour the mythical creatures were angry at the vampire for using his powers in a bad way that they cursed him and made him into a different kind of vampire that can never love again, from then on humans were devastated

one day all humans was brainwashed and forgot about the incident, but one creature didn’t forgot about it and had defence giving them a perfect view of any aura depends on the given creature to know if it will harm them or not, if it will harm them... they can kill them, if not, then that only depends, that creature is powerful... we call that creature the chosen one” Liam said, he stood up and looked at me again “but the chosen one was rumoured to be dead ... but they say that the chosen one had kid/s ...”

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