19| No Heat

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GO READ my new book The Pressure. It gets update every Friday night, along with Scared Money.

Tyrek Johnson

The next morning, I work up early. Way to early to be honest with you. I just couldn't get my mind off of things. Everything from the pass couple of months, were hitting me hard. Cat, my daughter, Warriors, draft season. It felt like it was me against the world. I know I shouldn't be worried about this, like that, but it's such a life changing decision for me and my family.

Moving to California wasn't something that I wanted to do, but having a successful career was. I knew trading was might to make you better and that they see potential in you, but for some reason I feel like I'm giving up on things and I don't know what.

Cat was still knock out, so I went to go brush my teeth and head to the gym nearby. Hopefully, doing a few drills and workout will I release my muscles and get me back to my game. The new year was coming by in a couple of days and I had to get ready. Darwin was already in my add enough, so having two months left was going to be tough.

Quietly putting on some shorts and a shirt, I grab my gym bag and head out the door. Driving to the gym, I simple yawn and park. The gym was not that far, it was only two minutes. As I park, I notice any car here and got prepared for the confrontation. The last time I saw her I acted stupid as fuck and act like I didn't know her, when I knew her all to well.

When I saw that text last night, I replied and deleted the conversation. If Cassie saw that shit after what happen at that mixtape party that would be my ass. Now, I wasn't sure what she was going to talk to me about, but I hope it's nothing to crazy. Getting out the car I walk inside the gym and scan my card, I didn't see her anywhere.

"Ty," Turning around she was getting up from the seats. She came forward smiling.

"Yo," I replied back. She still look the same as always.

"Thanks for accepting that request," Ne'Veah said. I nodded my head.

"Before, I start asking why you texted me last night, I just want to apologize about what happen at my moms," I started. "I do recognize you, it's just that after that shit you and that other dime pulled, I got distance,"

She nodded. "I understand. What I did was out of line, I should've never been apart of that mess, but it's over now," She sign. Not wanting to talk about anymore she started walking towards the treadmill. My goal wasn't to do no cardio.

"Not to be mean or anything, but what chu' text me for? And how you got my number?"

"Your mom and the reason why I text you is because of that decision you have to make on June." Smacking my lips I was about to hear another person option on what to do. I already had enough of it and plan on doing it on my own.

"I don't need to hear all that, man. I know what I'm doing,"

"I know, it's just that...that Sarah girl makes the whole decision fishy to me,"

"You know her?" She shook her head.

"Not like that, I just knew her friend Leilani. She sort of threaten me to help her convince you to go with the deal," I look at Ne'Veah like she was crazy. What she need to convince me for? Golden State this the best team right now, it's a opportunity for sure. "And before you even say anything, my rap sheet is long as hell, half of the shit that I've done is not even on it and if she goes to the police with that I could be facing life. I know me and you aren't cool like that, but please, don't confront them or do anything that will send me away,"

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