9.5| Interview

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Author's Note: I'm not sure if I want to change the Category or not. I don't really see this as a Mystery/Thriller type of book. More, like a General Fiction. But, it's whatever.

Cassie Aubrey Thompson

I woke up, feeling my back hurting a little bit. Stretching my limbs I lazily throw my right arm to the other side to feel Ty or someone, but it was empty and also cold. I didn't felt his presence or hear anything to know if he's somewhere else. Groaning, I got my ass out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a piss and brush my teeth. I wasn't planning on doing anything today so I decided to stay home and just hang out with my baby Bree.

I was heading out the door until I saw a piece of paper on top of the dresser with one of my perfumes on top. Grabbing it and placing the perfume back where it was I read the note;

     Cat, I'm off to the interview today. I'll be home soon. Love you, baby. 
                                          - Ty

Crumbling up the piece of paper, I walk to Aubrey room to see her still in her bed, sitting up playing with her enjoy bottle. She was starting to get to big for her crib and I've been planning the buy her a big girl bed, somewhere later in the year, if I got time for it. Picking her up my mind drift off to Ty and this drafting thing. I honestly didn't want Ty to transfer to any other team then the one he's in now. This is his home where all his friends and family live and going all the way to California to play in a team I never heard of for more then ten years made me feel sick to my stomach.

The Warriors got there shine somewhere around late or mid 2015. It was crazy how they only got recognized because of Stephan Curry and his monstrous shots and half court shots. Plus, him moving over means more groupies that I have to fucking deal with. It's already bad enough that we are not married and I'm just his fiancé, but it hurts that I have to start all over again. Leaving my family was never something I think about, even though I'm not actually, actually leaving them like no contact at all, but not seeing them just makes me get anxiety.

"Mommy," getting out of my day dream, I look at Aubrey as she was on my arms.

"Yes, baby?"


"He's not here, baby. He'll be back soon, I promise." I check the time and see that it was close to ten-thirty. I'm not sure what time he left, but I hope he doesn't take to long.

Sarah Skye

It was nearly ten-thirty and the interview was still going. I could be in there, but seems like I was a distraction since I keep making suggesting and comments here and there. I mean, I was the one who recommend Tyrek Johnson to play with the Golden State Warriors. I should be there knowing at the shits that's going on and whether he accept or not. My heart pound against my chest thinking about what if he didn't accept the offer. I was moving to California in a few months and I want him to be with me so I could at least keep him company, but he'll have his girlfriend by his side along with his child. I let out a sign of stress just thinking about it.

Leaning back on the office chair, I look at the calendar that was random on the wall and see that it's the 13th of February. Valentine's Day was tomorrow and I probably was just going to do a small party bash or call some nigga up and hang out with him. I shrugged, I don't know. Man, I'm such a loner even though it doesn't seem like it.

Laugher erupted the hallway and I look at my dad office to see him walking out along with Steve Kerr smiling with Tyrek. I wonder if he accept it? I didn't see any merch or a hat on his head like they usually do if you get drafted to another team, so my heart was beating in a fast pace. I got up and walk towards my dad and not seem nervous at all.

"It was nice meeting you, Mr. Skye." Tyrek said as he shook my dads hand, he smiled showing his pearly white teeth. His green eyes was bright as hell and so sexy in some way. I go crazy with a nigga with nice eyes.

"You too, son. Hope you think about the offer, okay?"

"Alright, sir." With that, they exchange a few words and he was walking to the elevator with that blonde bimbo bitch already by his side.

"That was a good interview." My dad said.

"Really?" I question. He nodded his head as he stuff his hands in his pockets, walking back to his office.

"You could've have been there if you didn't keep interrupting me and Mr. Kerr of what you want." I didn't say anything as we both continued walking to his office. I ignored all the other people as I went to go seat on his chair.

Tyrek Johnson

After, Scarlet walk me out the building with small conversation. I power walk to my car in the heat of stress and confusion. I wasn't sure if I actually want to change teams. Yeah, we may not be the best, we may not had won champion ships yet, but I was happy to be with my team and family. Being on television, greeting fans and other supporters. It was nice.

But, moving all the way to California for a team who I heard of since mid 2015 is really weird. They just became known, probably because of Stephan Curry and a nice shots. Nigga, could shoot a half court while there's only two seconds left. His others players don't even wait until it hit the net as soon as he throw the ball, we all know that it's going to make it.

Me, being there as a new rookie, is really going to set a weird vibe to me. But, the one person who give me a weird vibe is Darwin Melody's daughter; Sarah Skye. She was always interrupting her father and Mr. Kerr about other things. I didn't get what she was trying to do, but I could tell she was trying her hardest to get it. Getting in my car, I drove back home just thinking. I didn't accept it, because I first want to talk to everyone that I'm close with about it. I can't just be that selfish about it. I have people who I love and care about here.

I soon made it to my house and got out. Cat car was still here, so she probably didn't go nowhere. Closing my car door, I dig in my pocket and click the lock screen. I forgot all about my phone vibrating earlier. I check to see it was my little sister Tynesha, she was reminding me about her graduation celebration at home after the her ceremony. Luckily, it's somewhere around May and it's only February. I lock my phone and check the date to see that it was the 13th, damn Valentine's Day tomorrow and I don't know what the hell to do with Cat.

Last year, all we did was bath together and had sex after for five rounds until we got tired. No lie, I destroy her body after giving birth it was like she never had a baby one week later. Pulling out my keys, I open the door and walk in to hear talking and things banging together. I saw Cat on the phone in the kitchen with just a shirt and her panties and Bree in the living room watching some type of cartoon and banging her dolls around.

Cat notice me and and she quickly told the person goodbye. She looks at me, "So, what happen?" Removing my jacket, I loosen my tie walking toward.

"I told him I think about it." She lick her lips. I couldn't read her face so I wasn't sure if she was happy that I didn't accept it. But, who knows.

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