Chapter Eight

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Xian's POV

I was about to log out when Ms. Newmate suddenly send an ultimatum.

But in one condition...


Promise me you won't tell anyone.

I want to ask her why,but I keep it to myself knowing that we could spend time together tomorrow for sure.

As expected,the moment I stepped in school Cath jumped from behind to surprise me which she failed to do so. When will she stop flirting? I guess I have to ask her a blind date with someone.

As she clings in me,me and Ms. Newmate suddenly got faced with confusing situation. We're both staring to each other as if curiosity taken our soul. I flashed a concerned look with her broken right arm,while he flashed a furious look with the bitch who snuggles in my... well right arm too. I don't need to meditate what's happening,all I know is-we need to talk.

Before I could talk,she wore a fake smile then wave at us as she walks straight ahead. Leaving me in curiosity as the one who must be blame is this cat who purrs in me. This cat don't know how very wrong she crosses boundaries. Base in my observation,a friend is not clingy especially if it was merely two days ago when the friendship began.

I wagged her off of me.

"This is a lie."

I blurted out,causing Cath to feel uneasy. Then,I walk away from her to follow Ms. Newmate's direction.

"It's nice to meet you,by the way."

I said sarcastically. This is clear. I run to follow Ms. Newmate,she don't walks far from me yet.

"What happened?"

I asked as I match her sprinting. She's not responding.

"The thing you have seen earlier is not the whole tale."

I said as I stand in front of her,blocking her way. She stared at me then casually shrugged.

"No excuses."

Silence fill our atmosphere when-


I turn around to see a blonde man with blue eyes who I can recall as my seatmate. Billy,I guess?

"I'm gonna tell you who is my crush and you should tell me yours."

Well,I like Ms. Newmate... But I don't want anyone to know first except her and it looks like I'm gonna take advantage with this transaction so I try to guess instead. When I look over my shoulder to check if Ms. Newmate's still there,it appeared like she vanished instantly like a pro. Since it is only our third week,I didn't know much everyone so far... so I think of-


She is the girl who sits at my back in classroom,she is an intelligent-beauty. She have curly hair,sun-kissed skin and decent. Almost all boys seem to have crush with her. Billy gingerly jump then run.

"I'm going to tell..."

"Wait,what? Who's your crush?! Baited."


It's our third class period,we're having our PE. I went in boy's room and get to dressed up with my PE uniform which I got luckily from my locker recently. I remember when I forgot it...

 I remember when I forgot it

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Then Ms. Newmate appeared in my mind,she's bandaged... Will she attend anyway? I search her through possible rooms,hoping that she's not in girls' room. The bell rang and I failed to find her. I went in gymnasium only to find Ms. Newmate... running?! Isn't she's  injured?!

"Ms. Newmate!"

Everyone stared at me,I don't know if they're confused on who I'm calling or distracted because of my shouting. Ms. Newmate,on the other hand,keep her steady fast. I try to ask the one who's nearest at my spot ending up with a guy who intently watch the race.

"When did this start?"

"Just nine minutes ago."



It's our lunch break and I decided to invite Ms. Newmate to eat with me.

"Sure,you're treat."

I smiled,she's not just any girl I had met before. She's honest and straightforward.

"Hey,earth to Mr. Morningglory. Are you listening?"

Ms. Newmate waves a hand in front of my face,jolting me back to reality.


She huffed and continued talking.

"I said can we eat in Shake Shack?"

I smiled again by her cute facial expression.

"Sure,wherever you want."

I held her hand and stride. We went to the nearest branch and sat near the window,giving us a beautiful view of the sunlight gently filtered through buildings.

"Anyway,Billy invited me to go to his birthday party this night. Would you like to come with me?"

Ms. Newmate ordered burger then chew a mouthful bite.

"I'm not sure if my mom would allow me."

I frowned,then raise an eyebrow.


"Long story."

She said as she licks ketchup by her own fingers.

"Speaking of long story,you haven't told me yet what you want to tell last night."

She said she's too lazy to type,so I hope she's not too lazy to talk.

"Let me finish my food first."

I lightly chuckled as she stuffed fries into her mouth.

"You're really hungry,eh?"

"Try to run in 50-meter sprint while you have a broken arm,let's see if you don't starve yourself."

"What happened to you by the way?"

She perked her lips as well as her eyebrows.

"Nothing serious,I just broke my leg because of running from my dad and I didn't know that I broke the water glass which I accidentally bumped on the table and we're having too much fun that I didn't notice the damage I caused and unfortunately there's water spilled over the floor and much to my funny moment I run to it without even noticing causing for me to slipped and due to my nerves wracking on me I tried to lessen the impact by laying my hand for protection in order for my butt to not get hurt and since I'm lucky time has gotten into me so I didn't have the chance to use my other arm which is left and I got broken right in my right arm."

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