Chapter Six

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Xian's POV

I. Hate. Mondays.

By the moment I entered the gate,Cath jumped in front of me coming out of nowhere. She's wearing a decent outfit which makes everyone believe that she is so much to respect as a highest rank official officer student here in Strattum University. She beamed and batted her eyelashes before saying the most frequent thing I used to be everyday. Not that I'm being boastful.

"Hi,Xian! You look good today!"

I know right.


"Can we be friends?"



She snuggled in my arms flirtatiously.

"Soon I will be a president and you will be my vice president."


"But you're already a president."

"What I mean is a country president."

"Ok,if that's what you want."

Way to start Monday,cool.

"Do you know?"

"Do know what?"

"The Courtney Catfight."

I frowned,Ms. Newmate's surname is Courtney. It might be her... No. There's a hundred of Courtney.

"What's that?"

"Haven't you watch it yet? It's viral,approximately 6,500 views and 6,499 comments having multiple shares."

"You know,I don't care about gossips."

Maybe I can talk with Ms. Newmate later,if she has anything to do with that... I must knew it by her,not from anyone who don't really know her completely. Even me...

I hastily walk away from Cath. It seems like she doesn't has the plan of shutting her fucking mouth up.


I face palmed. She still following me.

"You have a nice speed there,cool."

She says as she clutches my arm. You're like a fucking parasite,cool.

"It's not that nice,I'm actually a snail."

"A cool snail!"

She giggled then snuggled closer.

"You know what? You're sweater is comfy."

"It's $10 in Wal-Mart,they still have items like this so you can have your own."

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