Chapter Two

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*Douglas Booth as Xian*

Xian's POV

It's raining outside,this triggered me to plugged my mono headset. Everyone's  love to listen in their playlist while raining,right? Especially with a position beside the window,I can't stop admiring the season with some bit of Shakira. What? I love her voice and what I'm listening now is Underneath Your Clothes. Pretty,right? Ms. Newmate is not present today,the transferee beside me is who I'm talking about. I wonder what's the reason of her absence in her second day in a new school.
I'm near in sleeping when I saw Ms. Aries stick slammed in my desk. I should jumped as usual but I keep myself impassive,instead I subtly removed my mono headset away from my ear then look up to see furious Ms. Aries. Science must explain how her horrible appearance was made.

"Mr. Blunt,are you not listening to me? I called you a million times,but you're not responding! Is there any problem in your sensory neurons? Tell me so I can let you go in clinic."


"No,Ma'am Aries. It's just raining hard outside that I can't hear you a little,I'm sorry."

I glance again at the window only to see that the rain is slowly stops.

"Mr. Blunt,I repeat for the sake of your eardrums. We will have an activity tomorrow which involves cosmic research,so in easier way to do it-you will work in partner."

"Ok,no problem-"

"And I decided to make partners by sitting arrangement and since Ms. Courtney wasn't here,it's your obligation to inform her."

My mouth fell,Jessica is my seatmate. What the heck?

Time check:12:00 PM

I've been staring at the edge of the water,
Long as I can remember...

I've been watching a lot of movies but still Ms. Newmate hasn't replied yet in my chat message which I sent five hours ago. And now the last movie in my flash drive is Moana. What? I have a younger sister so I have this. Anyway,I'll just play my home's playlist.

I just wanna be take you higher!

I can feel the beat and start dancing when suddenly my phone came into life.

Ms. Newmate: What the heck?

Ok,I think I had done my job here. My bed calls me now. Switching off the TV,I went in my bed and fell face first. I'm not used at getting late in bed...

I really wanna stop but I just got a taste for it,
I feel like I could fly walking into the room

What the fuck?


Seven o'clock in the morning and yet my younger sister blasts Carly Rae Jepsen through speakers? What's her problem? Grumbling,I walked past my door then into the living room where Miles is dancing atop the glass table... Wait,that's glass AND SHE'S JUMPING THERE!  Fully awake,I rushed into her then carry her down the floor.

"Miles?! What on earth are you doing in seven o'clock in the morning of playing your girly tune whilst jumping?!"

I said while unplugging the sound system. My rowdy sister just shrugged and tilts her head.

"First of all,I'm dancing not jumping. And what on earth are you doing in seven o'clock in the morning of sleeping your awful snore whilst whispering Ms. Newmate?"


Miles sigh in irritation.

"I knocked in your bedroom's door a thousand times,but you don't respond and when I listened carefully your snoring and then later whispers Ms. Newmate? So I decided to play in a loudest volume of a girly tune which I assume you'll get annoyed."

She stopped,tapping her chin while I begin to go in kitchen to prepare breakfast. Believe it or not,I'm a good cook since my dad are busy working 24/7 in his office. We only have  the chance to be with him during holidays.

"Who is Ms. Newmate,anyway?"

"None of your business."

She perked her lips then shrug again.


Miles,10-year old rowdy girl may be naughty but she's not pushy when it comes to details. After finishing cooking,I get two plates then put our delicious meal for today. Removing my apron proudly,I turn only to see Miles beaming on what I have.

"Ok,today we have cheese-crusted fish wrap with cheesy ranch sauce!"

Miles claps then halfway through eating she smiles at me.

"Broxi,I would appreciate more of this if it's not 8 o'clock in the morning."

Glancing in wall clock,it reads 8:01 AM. I'M LATE,WELL FUCKED UP. Not realizing what I have done. Minutes later we found ourselves in a traffic,a heavy drama traffic. Few meters ahead,you can see the main cause of this traffic. A man standing in a billboard and under him is a massive crowd clamoring. I just face palmed.


I don't know what Miles worry about,the fact that she sees a parasuicide or the fact that she's already late in class? In my state,the latter.

"Broxi,I'm late."

"I know and so do I."

"Ok,I'll just walk maybe? If that's ok to you."

"Is that ok to you?"

She rolls her eyes.

"Of course,I'm the one who suggested it Broxi."

"Ok,just take care."

Miles walks away. Now I'm waiting alone while honking the horn-finally the drama there ceased and I'm practicing my excuse which I will tell to whoever prof is in our class.

Minutes passed and I'm finally in school,looking at my wrist watch which reads 8:30 AM make me gulp a lump of nervousness. I'm thirty minutes late and still counting... I RAN! AND RUNNING OUT OF BREATH! Actually it's not embarrassing to come in classroom drenched in wet and panting,is it?

"I'm really sorry,Mr. Williamsburg. I didn't mean to come late,I have many reasons-"

"So do I. I didn't mean to discuss History in first period class,I still have many reasons so you can come in."

That's it?

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