Chapter Five

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Jessica's POV

It is Sunday morning,heavy rain is splashing through our state. I awoke at my couch,remembering the time I slept yesterday night. It takes hours to accomplish my assignment. Well,I'm not into writing essay. Not because I'm lacking of thoughts... I want my work to be explicit so I'm taking my time polishing it.

I don't know but amid reminiscing,Halloween suddenly puffed into my mind. I'm starting to think of what will be my costume if I'm going to any party... maybe.

Vampire? Last year,when I wore that they thought I'm portraying The Grudge. Not unless I show them my fake fangs. But it's tiring to open your mouth with every people like a hundred. But I fell in love with vampires ever since I begin to watch Twilight. And whenever I wear that costume,I want to bite cuties. Well,not down there. I'm open-minded at certain things,you know?

I walk around to check if my parents do their routine every Sunday-dating. When I finally found that they actually go out for a date,I knew that I'm home alone. As customary...

I come to kitchen to get a plenty of cookies. I don't know how to cook,so I prefer eating what's in our stock during Sunday mornings.

I'm in Grade 11 now,and I'm starting to think where I'm going to study for my college years. I'm new in Stratton University,but I want to live far away from my parents to live by myself. Yet,I don't know how to cook food.

I want my mom to teach me but I didn't live with her for seventeen years,so... I thought grandma would teach me but she just saying 'soon' over and over again till I'm here right now eating cookies for breakfast.

I searched milk in the kitchen,but there has nothing to lactate me. So I decided to come in the nearest store to buy some. I locked our door and casually walk wearing my sweater and jeans. Cold breeze of June is spreading through the thick haze of fog in cloudy morning. Due to my fifteen days here,I found that 7/11 is the nearest convenient store in our house. Back in my childhood days,this was once a playground where James and I play everyday. But now it's a store where I usually stops to buy ice cream while making my way home alone.


I turned around only to see the one who hates me for her whole life and so do I standing near the entrance door.


"What are you doing here?"

"No,what are you doing here?"

"It's a store,duh. Anyone can be here."

"Exactly,so why are you asking if you know what the purpose?"

I shrugged then raise my eyebrow.

"Are you stalking me?"

Sasha chuckled.

"Ha! As if! I'm just going to buy spatula to flip you off."

"So you know how to cook?"

"So do you?"

"Not yet,so I decided to buy some milk which I prefer more than your tits-horrible-cream that your boyfriend craves for his pathetic dear life."

She was about to launch herself into me while initiating her eagle-like claw when the body guard step between us to stop our commotion. That is when I realize everybody's watching us and some of them are taking video which I assume they're going to post and my mom might watch it when it would be viral knowing that she's all-I-know-social-media-queen which will obviously end of me being grounded. So. Fucked. Up. I'm dead.

The body guard dragged us.

"No need to drag,I can take walk by myself!"

Sasha-Bitch practically yelling which catching the attention of bystanders.

"You should be thankful that I only drag you,I can call the police for your cause but luckily it's my first  time to see you two here cat fighting. Don't even think to try that here again or else say good night to your asses in prison. Get a boxing ring!"

He was about to close the door which make my world go slow while playing this song in the back of my mind...

Don't make me close one more door...
I don't wanna hurt anymore...

"How about my spatula?!"

I look in Sasha's distorted face.

"What? I truly suppose to buy a spatula."

I just rolled my eyes and walk back to my home.

"Well,done! Jessy-Prick! Well fucking done!"

I just dodged her big mouth by ignoring her. Silence is the best killer... Sadly,a thing I didn't think back on that encounter.

Jessica,you're just going to buy a milk. But you basically failed. Your grandma's right,you're a failure. Nothing like you seem but truly a failure.

Sasha,she is the reason why my grandma ended up hating me. My grandmother is very conservative that she got indignant with me when Sasha snitched that I go partying every Friday. It's 21st century,duh. And Sasha is an utter whore compared to me who is strictly monitored by my loving grandma. Sasha was just jealous of me and her ex boyfriend hanging together. Anyway,we're just friends! No,I'm not friendly in any flirtatious way! Well,sometimes... But with John,that's a totally NO. Knowing that he and Sasha only broke up three days after... No one wants to be a rebound. I know boys love to play their balls,but with girls? A big NO. Girl power.

Swinging the door open,I walk up straight to my bedroom. I only slept for... I think six hours?

I'm not easy to fall in love,but I'm easy to fall in bed. Falling face first,I reached the phone in the near desk to text my best friend in Antwerp. The place where almost I spend my life with. It's been weeks of having no communication between us.

Anne,guess what?

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