Chapter One

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*Emma Roberts as Jessica*

Jessica's POV

First day of living my life here in my new school. School where I expect to have a better experience,where I expect better-

"What the hell?"

I fell on my side,scattering the files throughout the hallway.

"Hey, you rude shitty shit! Fuck you!"

He didn't even look back,he left me there curse while flipping him the bird. Get ready once I have the chance to see you again,I'm gonna kick your stylish ass. I didn't had the chance to see his face,all I can remember is he's wearing beanie while running into a building.

This school isn't that big,there are just I think thousands of rooms before I finally found my room with the help of a school officer.

"Thank you so much for guiding me,what's your name again?"

"Catherine Adeline Ruth Matthews Saturno,Cath for short."


I trailed while my eyebrows raised.

"Anyway,where having seminar for incoming acquaintance party next week. If you're interested feel free to come."

She smiled.

"Of course I will."

I sat in front of the class,I used to sit in front always because it's my favorite spot in class ever since. Some students talked to me while others were not. Some just minding their phones,some are gossiping,some are sleeping-just like organisms in an ecosystem. Happy,feeling the comity,sta-

"Excuse me?"

I turned in my front to see the familiar man wearing a beanie.


"Sits on my spot so get off."

Before I could open my mouth,he grabbed my things then dropped on floor.

"Hey this is where I sit,so this will be mine."

We give each other a death glare until our professor come in.

"Good morning,class. Please take your seat."

"All we know is this is my chair so get off,new mate."

He pulled me up easily then left me there standing looking at him.

My mouth gaped,I just can't believe that a good-looking... wait,what did I thought? Na,just forget that. Ok,I just can't believe that this boy can just treat me like a crap. Back when I was in Strattum University,I was the queen. And yes,a QUEEN. But here-

"Ms. Courtney,are you?"

Our prof finally notice me well thanks I think it has been passed about one minute.

"Yes,I am."

I awkwardly pick my bag and folder without removing my stare at our hot prof.

"I'm Mr. Williamsburg,and I've been told that we will have a new student so will you please introduce yourself."

I practically walked in front of the class then wear my sheepiest smile.

"Hi,I'm Jessica Courtney..."

Everyone stares at me seriously which makes my nerves tremble except with this beanie man,he's looking through the window while chewing gum.


"Is there anyone bothering you?"

Oh,Mr. Williamsburg. Just let me get through this.

"N-no,sir. I'm just not comfortable."

"Ok,I'll just let you sit beside Mr. Blunt."

He said as he pointed beanie man. I went to that shit seat,I don't want to get near with him. Knowing the fact that he's stubborn with me.

An hour passed by and finally the bell rang,thank God I feel like suffocating in a math class beside the beanie man. Other subjects went fast like nothing seems happened. Wait,did I sleep in history class? Don't blame me,I'm not that interested with Hitler.

I walked through crowds in hallway toward the locker room. After searching by rows,I find mine. Thanks for Cath who give me details. Since it's  a nice weather for afternoon,I decided to just walk to my home since it's just few blocks away from here. I plugged my headphone then hit my playlist,24k Magic. I bobbed my head while I'm making my way to my house. I used to stare at everything-nature-stuff whenever I'm strolling down the beautiful houses. Our new house is not that pretty so I never planned to invite anyone except to my future close friend-if there anyone has to be. I muffles my song like this... Don't fight the feeling,inv-

I stopped,someone patted my shoulder. I turned away only to see my neighbor,James.

"Hey,I've been calling you back there..." He pointed at his motorcycle which is parked at pavement. "But you didn't respond so I decided to come near you."

"Um,sorry. I didn't notice you because I'm listening in my headphone."

"Ok. I just want you to ride you to your home,if you wouldn't mind."

"Of course,yes. Such an honor."

"Really?" He chuckled.

"Duh,you're always on your work and you come home less plus it's my first time to ride in your motorcycle."

Then it dawned on me.

"What brings you here? We all know that you just come here in holidays."

My childhood was spent with this village,but my mom preferred better university in other state where she thought I could have better experience-but that was the contrast of my years there. Then, I just persuade them to let me live here. But it's late when I found James moved to other country too. We have merely communication,and I don't know why. Due to my analysis,it's just normal as it really occurs when you're not with your fellow for a long time. As we drive past row of houses,I can feel his muscle tense.

"Actually,I didn't plan to come over but recently dad called me."

I want to ask more question,but I just let him to continue. Me and James aren't just neighbors but also best friends ever since we were a child. We used to play in the playground together,go to school together. But our bond curtailed when his parents decided to send him in his grandma's place. And in moments like this,we used to talk seriously about our problems. As of now,by the way James drives in silence. I totally knew that there is really a problem.

"He said he will just say it when I'm home bound."

We parked between our houses only to see Ms. Curtis crying outside their door,James mom. James walked past to his dad while I hastily assist his mom.

"Dad,what happened?!"

The way he raised his voice against her father is unusual,actually this is the first time for I know.

"I shouldn't be the one you're shouting at! Ask your liar mom instead!"

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