Ch. 26 - Rainy Moods

Start from the beginning

“I want to go as badly as you do but, trust me, you don’t want to see him like this. He’s going through a tough time right now and I don’t think it’s a good idea to go as planned and visit you just yet.”

“But Fredo—”

“—I’m sorry. I don’t have a lot of time, I’m a pretty busy guy. Hopefully we’ll talk again soon. Take care, okay?”

Letting out a sigh in frustration, Jackie sighed. “Okay.”

“Bye,” I whispered.

“Bye, take care.”

After I hung up, I finished putting on my jacket and was soon out of the hotel room.

[ Justin’s POV: ]

I sat in the dark, facing the window that gave me access to a decent view of LA. There were dried tears on my cheeks, and sometimes I felt them when I’d occasionally sob once again. By now it was pouring rain, the clacking sounds of the rain drops against the glass was the only thing that could possibly provide some sort of comfort for me right now. Yet still, the weather matched my mood and I couldn’t help but feel like absolute shit.

No, my heart wasn’t broken. But it hurt. It physically hurts and it’s when the pain gets overwhelming that my eyes release the tears. I have never in my life felt so unworthy of anything.

Not too long ago I heard the door open and close rather loudly. That must’ve meant Alfredo left and now I’m alone here. I don’t exactly blame him, I mean I have been a dick to him countless amount of times. I wouldn’t blame him if he just decided to walk out of my life forever. He probably thinks I don’t appreciate him and that I don’t want him in my life but… It’s the complete opposite—and that’s another reason I’m crying. I just can’t help but push away the people who mean the world to me.

So I sat there and stared out my window, watching the drops of rain fall aimlessly from the sky, only to get demolished into tiny splashes on the earth. Rain drops and I have a lot in common—we fall and we fall and I’m just waiting until I drop to the ground and shatter.

I’m just useless.

When it was past midnight, I found myself laying face down on my bed, my arms sprawled out against the mattress and my head buried on my pillow. I would cry my heart out and then pause for no longer than five minutes until I was back at it again. I don’t know exactly for how long I was doing that for, but I remember thinking I heard the doorbell go off. At first, I was pretty sure I was hallucinating because Alfredo would never leave without his keys and no one else besides him would show up right now.

But, nevertheless, it rang again. And it kept ringing over and over and over until I realized that this person wouldn’t take no for an answer. So I sat up, wiped my tears and unlocked the door to my room, walking down the hallway until I reached the front door. When I looked inside the peephole to see who could possible be standing on the other side, my heart skipped more beats than I could count.

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