A New Start

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Now Jack takes a big step, as he's now slowly but surely moves in his things to Mark's house. Mark asked "You moving in?" Jack nodded once he put the last box of his things near the genormous bed. "You love staying with me?" Asked Mark again, as he scratches his head looked at Jack. Jack only nodded again and finally looked into Mark's eyes.

"Yes... I hate going back and forth all the time... And besides.. I like staying my big beast friend..." As Jack came up and hugged Mark. Mark's face sure is red from that sweet lil Irish bean.

"Uhurm... Anyway... I'll gone hunting now...See you this evening.." As the beast puts Jack down and transform. Mark runs and runs till he dissappear from the cold morning mist.

Later that evening

A big sweaty beast in carrying a large raindeer on his mouth and put it down near the kitchen. Mark is a bit tired today. Soon he transform again. As he puffed his breath Jack asked "You seemed tired... Hard catched today?" Sounding concern Mark up to his feet again and answered "I must getting those flues... My forehead felt hot..." Jack were gasping and soon run up to Mark's forehead. It sure is lukewarm.

"You are... Quick... Stay home till you get all fine Mark..." Mark shakes his head. "No... I need to find food..." Jack puts his fingers upon Mark's mouth. "Shuu...It's enough food for now..." Mark showed a doubtful face but Jack only nodded.

So Jack eagerly takes care of the beast till he is all fine.

Soon the temperature went down a bit.

A few days later,

"You feeling all better now Mark?" Mark nodded as he slides down the bed and hands over the wet towel that is resting on his forehead. "Thank you now... For taking a good care of me..." Jack smiled and answered "No problem beasty..." Mark blushed and carries Jack on his back and went out, for nice evening walk.

They walk and walk to same water stream that they first been, together. Today, due to it was raining, the water is a bit cloudy and mud like so Jack and Mark can't see any fishes but the sound of the water stream sure is amusing. So the whole evening was spent just staring to the nature and hearing to waters below their feets.

Well there you go... like always... do whatever you want down there... thanks for reading... by: Z

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