You're Lovely .. Jack

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As the afternoon just them being staring and smiling to each other. Mark soon comes closer to Jack. So close, that his snout touches the neck region. Heavy puffing from his breath can be heard and even louder as he moves closer. Than the beast whispers softly "*inhales* You smell lovely Jack... Very lovely... So long I didn't smell a human... *exhales*" As those sexy brown eyes. Jack's neck soon felt very tingly. "*swollows the saliva very loud* Uhm Mark..."  As Jack backs a bit.

Soon Mark's mouth opens wide revealing those lovely set of fangs and teeths and his tongue dripping. He starts to licks it. Jack remains contant as long as possible before a soft moan were let out from his voice. "Gah...No... Stop...Please.." As Jack pushes Mark softly. Mark were stirn and kept going. He now bites and some of the blood drips. He licks it. Jack shakes his head as a denial. "No...." Then Mark stops as those pleading baby blue eyes just looked at him. "Okay... As you wish" Mark said again softly. Mark do like to speak softly and rarely rage or get mad.

Soon Jack spread his arms and hugged the beast. His thin fur and large feature sure is interesting. As a 6 footer, Jack sure is small rather than Mark that is 12 feet tall.. Mark soon picks Jack up and put inside his arms and nuzzle his face with his long snout over and over again after a small laughter burst out. "Haha! Okay... Okay... Beasty... Stop... Puff... Hahahaa... It's ticklish... Okay...!" As Jack hold upon his snout. Mark only smiled as soon he puts Jack down.

Mark soon licks Jack's face as like a dog would do but more sexually. As Mark teases Jack on the lips numerous times and then chuckles afterwards. A not so satisfied look were form upon Jack's face. "Humhh!!" As Jack turns his face away... Then the sexy voice say "What's the matter?" Then Jack said "Nothing.." As Jack crossed his arms and avoid eye contact with the beast. Soon Mark picked him up again and kissed upon his cheeks. A cheeky smiled formed against the happy Irish man. He smiled and smiled and hold upon the beasts' face. "Thank you..." and Jack hugged him again. Mark put down Jack on the bed.

He tried to tickle Jack but due to those sharp claws, it hurt Jack a bit. So Jack reversed it and tickled Mark. A soft laugh can be heard along with a wolf like laugh. Mark soon howls and licked Jack's face again. Jack only smiled and just embraced inside the beasts' arms. Mark ruffles Jack's hair for awhile and soon snores can be heard. Mark patted Jack's head and soon slept with him.

Aww... Cute... and i wish to continue more but... I need to eat... so yeah... like always... do anything down there... thanks for reading.. by: Z

Septiplier -Warewolf-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora