Meredith was the first one out of class when time was up for music. The goal was to get from Holden to Swenson without being noticed. On the first day, the paparazzi couldn't know her schedule quite yet, or at least Meredith hoped. Exiting from the building, the breeze had picked up outside. Meredith quickly stood at full force, ready to be welcomed.

She heard the voices, but she didn't see them. Looking down the street, the paparazzi stood at the end where Meredith came in. She actually believed she might make it to Swenson in peace, until one of those freshmen girls screamed, "That way! She went out the other door!" Feet slapped the pavement.

Shoulders back, head higher, sunglasses on, Meredith walked on.

Paparazzi surrounded her again. Cameras came too close to her face. Meredith pushed gently through them, eyes on the building at all times. She kept her speed even and at a normal pace. Thankfully, she was already a quick walker with her long legs. Almost ripping the door off its hinges, Meredith pulled it open and walked directly into Swenson Hall, going straight up the steps and away from the paparazzi.

It was an hour before her next class started. Meredith closed the bathroom stall door and sat on the toilet. Staring at the tan colored door, she didn't know how long she was there, but it didn't feel like very long. The next thing she knew, fifty minutes had passed, and it was class time. Meredith touched her face gently, feeling for tears, but it was perfectly dry. Checking the mirror, she still looked perfect. Meredith smiled, never faltering, until her cheeks hurt, and Meredith continued to smile.

Going to class, Meredith smiled. Eyes came to her occasionally during this writing class. The attention didn't come to her as many times as it could when others in class gave presentations. When the time finished, Meredith left, placing her sunglasses on again. Leaving Swenson, the paparazzi were on her again. Meredith thought to strike up another conversation with them, but she kept her mouth shut.

Safely inside her dormitory, Meredith knew she wasn't safe until she was inside her room. It was obvious by all the stares she received walking down the hallway. Meredith locked the door to her room and placed a blanket at the bottom, blocking some sound from escaping. This was perhaps the only way to secure some privacy in the dorms. She turned on music again, hoping to drain out more sound.

After texting Harry, Meredith waited. Tears slowly sprung into her eyes. She pushed everything back down. There couldn't be a moment of weakness, she knew. If they saw weakness, the paparazzi would eat her alive.

A knock came to Meredith's door, and she was slow to get it. Looking through the peep hole, Meredith knew she had to answer it. For her to come out of her room without being forced or having to go to class was an accomplishment. Opening the door, Tabitha came inside. Meredith closed and locked the door, placing a blanket at the bottom.

"Being paranoid, are we?" Tabitha asked.

Meredith gave her a look. "I don't have you to protect me anymore, now that you're not my roommate."

"You came up on my Tumblr today," Tabitha said. "It was weird. You were just suddenly there."

"Is it because I'm not Supernatural, Doctor Who or some weird on the web that you watch?"

"Hey now. That weird thing on the web is Dan and Phil."

Meredith rolled her eyes.

"So, is it true? You and that... ginger?"

For the first time that day, Meredith actually smiled. "He has a name."

"He doesn't if I don't give him one," Tabitha responded.

"You're going to sell my secrets?"

"To who? I would have to talk to someone, then."

"Will Delaina?"

"You seem to think we like people."

Meredith shrugged. "It's true."

Tabitha nodded understandingly. "Is he good at sex?"


"I thought that's what girls said to each other. You ask how the man is, good at sexing, and if he does it right. You make sure she's happy, because if she ain't, you drop him." Tabitha tried to snap her fingers, but she didn't have the friction. She only managed to hurt herself.

Meredith stared at her old roommate. "I thought I was hopeless, and then there's you, Tabitha."

"I'm so happy I make you feel better." 

Meredith's phone beeped, and she automatically picked it up. Harry was supposed to call her after class, and usually Meredith didn't care, but she could really use him now. Not only did Meredith have concerns and some thoughts about what was happening outside her dormitory, Meredith just really wanted to see his face. It was a good time to let it all lose, and it hurt her body to keep inside. Reading the text, Meredith questioned why he texted at all if that was what he responded.

Tabitha watched her good friend thoughtfully. "Are you going to dinner or are you going to ignore all of life?"

"I can't ignore things. It's a sign of weakness, and I'm not--"

"Weak," Tabitha finished. "What the text say?"

"His advice."

"Which is?"

"Don't indulge the paparazzi." Meredith's eyes flashed to her friend. "I talked to them."

"Did you say something bad?"

"I don't think so, but they want to fuck me in ass anyway."

"I think it's your mouth like that that's going to get you in trouble."

Meredith agreed.

"You're going to ignore the advice, aren't you?"

She laughed. "You know I have a problem shutting up." Meredith knew it would bite her in the ass, but if she was going down, she wasn't going down quietly.

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