Ambrogoi & Selene

Start from the beginning

"Curious." I almost spit at him, the sick tone of voice. I watch him with a deadly neutral expression.

"Curiosity killed the cat." Connor stares at me. My mouth breaks into a smile, which I don't think he expects.

"Good thing I'm not a cat, right?" I sneer. Everything about him made my stomach turn into vomiting knots. I was exhausted but I wouldn't dare to fall asleep.

"You are bound to be mine. Felicity. You are only trying to make this difficult for you." He spits back, his features turn dark. Almost as if devil captured his soul at that exact second.

"Why do you keep referring to me as Felicity?" I quiver finding myself in a very shaken state. If Connor looked angry before, now he was beyond murderous. Everything human vanished instantly and was quickly replaced by a predator that lived within.

"Five years ago. My mate died. Felicity her name was." Connor whispered lowly his eyes bowing with memory of the tragedy. I find myself arching my brow and cocking my head to the side.

"I'm sorry to hear that." I announce with the most sympathy I could before the soft Connor was gone altogether. It seemed he was to have multiple personalities.

The black haired supernatural being lifted his head staring me right in the eye. "Don't be."

"He's here." Jake waltzes in like he has the right to do so, and Connor smiles wickedly showing his long fangs.

"Now, now Alexia? How keen are you to watch your mate die?" The Vampyr asked while I gulped the bile rising in my throat. I was told of this already. Connor explained who I was sired to.

"You wouldn't stand a chance against Alec." I threaten smiling with confidence that somehow seeped into my veins and slowly entered my system.

Connor released a ponderous growl before stalking towards me and gripping my wrist tightly in his hold.
Then we were out in the dark in the middle of nowhere.

"Alec buddy come out to play." Connor sneered resembling an animal. It was then that I heard it. Footsteps of many before they appeared.

"I'm very surprised that you have the audacity to refer to me as your friend, Connor." The voice I recognized spoke vividly into the night forest air.

"No, it's how you have the audacity to step into my grounds without a positive attitude Alec, you see your angry comments are not welcomed here. Ambrogoi wouldn't want to see your grumpy face!" Connor affirmed grasping tighter my waist while I met puppy brown eyes of the CEO. My CEO.

"Hayden and Caleb that goes to you too!" Connor exclaims pointing a finger to the two men that stood just a little behind Alec. I watched the two with unsettlement. The three of them were werewolves. I could tell just by their intimidating collective stance who they were. The creatures that bowed beneath the moon and worshipped their packs.

"Let my mate go." Alec growled sending the gashes of wind in our direction. I watched as teeth wanted to spring free, the canines restricted the moment.

"Now now, why would I do that? When I can drink from her?" My capturer said before pushing my hair aside. Alec stood forward while Connor's palm enclosed around my throat like a lock.

"Do you not understand what will happen if the beast is unleashed, think about this!" Hayden stood in front of Alec staring directly at his opponent with somewhat pleading eyes. The Ceo looked on the verge of springing forward, the way his hands shook before Alec's fingers wrapped into dead-locked fists.

"Maybe I just want to watch the world burn... After all the world burned me. Do you know how shallow, how empty I felt when Felicity died? In the hands of the beast that wanted her. My mate. My sweet innocent mate that never stepped in anyone's way. Felicity is dead because of you all!" Connor shouted tears running down his face and streaking his cheeks. His loud voice left me thinking I had blood running out of my ears.

The Werewolf CEO 1 of The CEO SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now